Chapter 15(Edited)

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"Look Bambina..." He started, placing his hand over mine, and I had to fight the urge to snatch my hand away. "I'm truly sorry that I hurt you. Nothing warranted me to react like that, but I would like to move on and enjoy the night." he pleaded

I turned and looked into his deep pleading black eyes. He looked genuinely sorry and I wanted to forgive him, but I couldn't. It wasn't that easy. Or maybe it was and I was just making it harder than what it needed to be. I couldn't bring myself to forgive him, because if I just gave in easily he would think that it was okay, and I couldn't have that.

"It's not that easy Jason," I said averting my eyes. Not wanting to give in.

"Well then tell me what I need to do then." He begged.

"I don't know what you want me to say, Jason. I know you're sorry, but that's not enough. You put your hands on me. You choked me." I said, holding back tears. "And you threatened to take my baby boy from me... I can't just look past that."

"We don't have to get married-" He started to cut me off, but I wasn't having that shit

"Don't tell me that I don't have to because we both know that it's not true. I have to marry you or you're going to take my son and I'll never see him again." I yelled at him

"Bambina..." He begged, reaching out to me, but I smacked his hand away from me.

"Don't touch me." I dry sobbed

"Tia I'm sorry. I have reasons for the marriage, but I want it to work. I want to be happy with you and spoil and love you." He reached out and he stroked my face. "I would give you the world if that's what you wanted."

"Why do I have to marry you?" I asked feeling tears coming to my eyes

"It's something that I have to do to take over the family business. He said being as vague as possible, making suppose that it had something to do with this big secret that he was keeping from me.

"Okay, why not just marry some girl in New York?" I asked

"My mom tried to set me up with the daughter of someone that my father does business with, but I can't stand the girl." He explained

"Why don't you like her?"

"She's a gold-digging whore."

"Jason!" I admonished

"What? It's the truth." He shrugged. " Plus you're the only girl that I could ever see spending the rest of my life with.

"Really?" I ask softly, looking up at him through teary eyes. I know I shouldn't fall for his pretty words right now, but when he says things like that it always makes my heart leap a little.

"I mean I was going to marry you anyway." He smirked at me. "I mean it was a part of the plan remember?" He asked with a smile but I saw the slight sadness in his eyes.

I held my head down in shame. Of course, I remembered the plan. I was the one who fucked up the plan. I however really didn't want to think about that tonight. "Yeah" I laughed awkwardly. "So you would have married me anyway huh?"

"Yeah" He smiled "I would've found you eventually."

"Oh yeah. What if you found me and I had already moved on?" I asked

"You wouldn't have." He answered simply.

Not knowing whether to be offended or not I decided to question him further. "What do you mean by that.?"

The One That Came Back (REPOST)| WATTY'S 2019Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin