Chapter 5 (Edited)

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Bryson in mm
Tiana's POV

*the next morning*

My alarm woke me up at exactly 4:30am. I awoke on the couch, still in Jay's arms, whose head was tilted back, with his lips parted slightly. He looked so calm. He looked like the teenage boy that I had fell in love with in high school. The one that used to wait for me after every class, and give me different types of flowers for their meaning. The one that held me many sleepless nights. The sweet boy had turned into a man. A very different man from the one I thought he would be. I'm still shaken up from how that shit went down at the club. The way Jay acted towards taking a human life. Like it was nothing to just pull the trigger. The anger in his face. This was the man that was going to raise my son to be a man.

I shook my head of the thoughts and continued to get ready for the day. I showered and did the rest of my hygiene. I changed into my uniform for Waffle  and tied my hair in a ponytail. Then I went to do wake up Jay.

"Jay." I whispered while shaking him lightly. No luck. "Jay." I repeated a little louder.

The only result was him mumbling something incomprehensible. I rolled my eyes at him before hitting him in his chest causing him to jump awake.

"What the fuck!?" Jay launched forward nearly knocking me over. He started looking all round him on high alert. When his eyes focused on me, he visibly relaxed.

"Good morning." I waved from my spot on the floor.

"Shit." Jay whispered before helping me up off the floor. "Sorry about that."

"You're fine." I said dusting myself off.

"What time is it?" He asked standing up while rubbing a hand down his face.

"5 am"

"Why are you up so early?"

"I have to go to work." I stated.
"Oh. Umm did you leave your car at Lust?"

"No I don't drive to club since I drink when I'm there. I usually just get an über drop off and to pick up Adien and go home." I explained

"Oh that makes sense." He said as if not knowing what to say.

"Come on let's go get our kid." I said walking to the door wish my keys and purse in hand. "We're taking my car."
We walked out of my apartment and to my green '97 Toyota Corolla. I unlocked the door hopping in wish Jay following suit.

"I'm getting you a new car." Jay mumbled

"No you or not." I sang

"Why not?" He pouted

"Because I can make my own money and by my own car." I debated. "Plus there is nothing wrong with my car."

Jay just rolled his eyes and looked out his window. I choose to ignore his little attitude. He knows I don't like him spending money  on me.

"Can I ask you something?" He changed the subject.

"You already did." I quipped.

"Smartass." He muttered. "What's Adien's full name?"

I glanced over at him and sighed. "Adien Jason Dellucci."

"Really?" He looked at me curiously. "You followed my family's tradition?"

"Yeah." I smiled. "I never planned to keep him from you forever. At least at first."

Jay just nodded and smiled. The rest of the ride to my Granny's house was silent. And not the same awkward silence from last night. This was content silence. It wasn't quite the same as when we were together, but it was something.

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