Chapter 13 (Edited)

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Tiana's POV

"What?" I looked at him dumbfounded.

"You're going to be my wife Bambina." He smirked at me.

I wanted to argue with him, or better yet, I wanted to hit him, grab Aiden and run. However, I knew that Jason had the money and that meant that he had the power and could hire the best lawyer and I would never see my baby boy again. So I guess I was going to have to do what I had to do to keep my son.

"Fine, but I'm not sleeping with you." I said boldly.

"Excuse me?" He turned to me threateningly.

"I don't know who you've been with Jason." I stated matter-of-factly. "If you think that I'm sleeping with you before you get tested you've clearly lost your rabbit ass mind."

That's when his hand grabbed me by the hair. "Watch the way you talk to me baby girl." He growled, before throwing me back on the bed. "Plus I've already been tested last week."

"Oh" I mumbled not knowing what else to say

"Plus what about you?" He asked.

"What about me?" I questioned with an attitude.

"How come you don't have to get tested?"

"Because you're the only person I've had sex with." I told him.

"Oh really." He smirked walking to the bed slowly. "Maybe we should test that statement." He pushed me so that I was on my back. He trailed a finger from my cheek down to my neck, in between the valley of my breasts to my belly and finally in between my thighs.

"W-what are you doing?" My voice trembled.

"Re-claiming what's mine Bambina." He said huskily while pushing my legs apart before stepping in between my thighs and grinding himself into my jean clad pussy.

"Jay I don't think that-"

"Why not Bambina?" He asked, cutting me off. "Been almost six years right?"

I nodded.

"Well then let Daddy take care of you." He said pushing against me hard, making me moan. He leaned over me and began to kiss me on the neck. "I know you want me Bambina" He whispered in my ear, before nibbling my lobe.

'Yes daddy' I thought. "No Jason." I said, my mouth contradicting my mind.

"Why not Bambina." He groaned.

"Because I don't want to right now." I said trying to push him off me, but he was too strong for me.

"You're a tease." He groaned annoyed, but lifted off me anyway.

"Can you check on Aiden please, I'm kinda tired." I yawned before going to my food.

As he left the room I reached for my food. I wasn't all that hungry anymore, but I figured I should eat something, because I had to work later. When Jason came back into the room I was half done with my fries. I didn't bother looking up at him when he sat on the bed. Instead, I choose to ignore him. I had nothing to say to him. If he wanted me to marry him in order to keep my son then fine but, I wasn't going to enjoy it. At this point in time I didn't know what to think of Jason. He wasn't that sweet boy that I fell in love with in high school. This man was someone cold, rough, and vengeful. I didn't doubt that he still loved me, but I also didn't doubt that he would punish me for a while for keeping our son a secret.

"He's eating his food and watching cartoons." Jason stated.

"Okay." I sighed. "Can you watch him while I go to work tonight?" I asked, thinking that it would be a good way for them to bond.

"You're not going to work tonight." Jason told me.

"Excuse me..." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I said you are not going to work tonight, or ever."

"What do you mean I'm not going back to work Jason!?!? How am I going to pay my bills?!?" I fumed, and grew angrier when he said nothing, I pushed him in the forehead "Umm do you fucking hear me talking to you?"

All of a sudden his hand was wrapped around my throat, and I was on my back. "I would watch it if I were you Tiana." He spat as he squeezed a little harder. "I will not have my future wife and the mother of my child working in that filthy bar." He growled.

"I'm not your property Jason Dellucci. You can't just order me around." I spat angrily.

"That's where you're wrong Bambina. You're mine now. I own your ass, and you are going to do as I fucking say." He said slapping my ass. Hard.

"Get the fuck off of me" I cried trying to push him off. "You're scaring me."

"I don't care." He yelled. "And you're moving out of that dump you call home. And after you finish school you are coming to New York." He smacked my ass again. "Ya got that Bambina,"

I nodded only to earn another slap. "Daddy needs a verbal answer.

"Yes Daddy." I sobbed lightly.

"Good girl." He smirked, licking the shell of my ear." I want you."


"Why do you keep denying me baby?"

"Because a.) I need those test results before I do anything with you, and b.) I'm not on birth control." I told him.

"Why aren't you on birth control?" He asked curiously.

"When I was pregnant I stopped taking it and then afterwards I just never started taking it again because I didn't really have time for a relationship. It just seemed unnecessary." I explained with a shrug.

"But I thought you were taking it because of how bad your period was unbearable." He said. That was true. I didn't get my period till I was 14 and the cramps I got would leave me bedridden. The doctor suggested birth control, but my granny was old school and wouldn't go for. It wasn't until my dad realized how much school I was missing each month that he finally put his foot down and told granny to let them put me on birth control.

"After I gave birth to Aiden the cramps got better." I said and Jason gave me a strange look. "I guess my body just changed afterwards. I shrug.

"Wow." was all he said before lifting off me and onto his back just as he was about to say something my phone buzzed. It was just a text from Bryson saying that he got a ride from school.

'I have to start teaching him how to drive.' I think to myself.

I sighed and put my phone on the nightstand and curled up for a nap. "Give me your keys Bambina."

"Why?" I mumbled sleepily.

"So I can get some clothes for you and Aiden." He stated.

"They're in my purse." I said, closing my eyes, very intent on taking a nap.

"We'll talk more in the morning Bambina. He said before leaving out of the room and leaving me to sleep in peace.

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