"I see you need some persuasion to talk." Her cold tone brought me back to reality. Forcing me to the ground, she pressed her knee against my back. I could hear her rummaging through her drawers. Moments later, she pulled up my sleeve. I gasped in pain as she dug the blade of a knife into my arm. "Are you going to talk now?"

I froze. She had never been this rough with me, no matter what I did wrong. I felt tears form in my eyes. I had never seen this side of her and I was now terrified. Perhaps I was wrong in thinking that she wouldn't kill me. She clearly did not view me as the girl she had feelings for or even as her student at this moment.

Well clearly you don't know all that much about her, considering she's the daughter of Dominic Versailles.

I lowered my head back down to the carpet and hid my face against it. "Fine." She muttered. "Be stubborn." She yanked up my shirt and pressed the blade into my back before tracing the blade down my side. I whimpered when she suddenly pressed down, hard. I felt droplets of blood slide down my back. "Would you prefer I cut your face? Because I'm certainly not opposed to the idea." She taunted.

"G-go ahead." I spat out, suddenly feeling equally angry and defiant. She got off of my waist and shoved me onto my back, making sure to dig her nails into the cut on my arm in the process. I screamed in agony as white-hot pain flashed through my body.

She tsked. "Oh you don't want to do that. Maybe you'll catch the attention of people who will be a lot less merciful." I felt a tear run down my face at her words. "Oh, stop crying. It's pathetic." She muttered distastefully, looking away from me. I suddenly lost control and began to sob at how cold she was acting. It was as if the last month didn't happen between us. I supposed I had deserved this after what I said to her this afternoon and breaking into her father's house.

She reached forward and grabbed my neck forcefully. "I told you to shut up." She sneered in my face. She released me for a moment and picked up her knife from the nightstand again. Then, she held it to my face and traced it along my jawline. I looked at her in terror, but I didn't try to move away. I may have been prepared to die before, but now that I was truly staring it in the face, I was fearful. She pressed it against the side of my cheek. "I suggest you talk."

"I-I can't." I finally whispered after closing my eyes, accepting that at this point, I was nothing more than an enemy gang member to her.

"You don't have a choice in the matter."

"He'll kill me if I talk." I uttered almost inaudibly, unsure why I was explaining because she clearly didn't care at this point.

"Are you under the impression that I won't kill you myself if you don't talk?" She snarled at me, making me flinch. My family's lives aren't in your hands, I wanted to say, but I didn't. Even if she killed me, I didn't believe that she would hurt my family. Isabelle wasn't a monster.

"Kill me then." I opened my eyes in resignation and stared at her. I was terrified, but I knew there and then that I would rather die at the hands of the woman whom I had fallen for than the gang that held my sister captive. This thought sent a harsh realization through me. I loved Isabelle.

She was silent for a moment before she stood up and walked to the door. She left the room for a few seconds before walking back in with the two men from earlier. "Do whatever you want with her until she is willing to talk. Just don't kill her yet." She said nonchalantly before sitting back down onto her bed.

No. No. NO.

My eyes widened as the men approached me with sadistic grins. I shifted backward until I hit a wall. "Please don't mess up my walls. Or I will see to it that you regret it. You've already gotten blood all over my expensive carpet." Isabelle said in disgust. I felt a piercing pain in my chest at her words and went rigid.

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