Chapter 14

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Ash's POV

my eyes opened slowly, and i looked around. i didn't know where i was, and my head was laying on something comfortable.

"p-pony..." i managed to get out, despite the pain i had everywhere.

"shhh, its ok ash, don't talk." ponyboy said, resting his hand on my head, using his thumb to rub my forehead. i remembered what happened earlier, how i continued fighting because i wanted to make pony proud. but i failed.

"pony, i-im sorry." i whispered, disregarding pony's request.

"ash, what are you sorry for?" he asked.

tears started to come out as i said "you told me to keep fighting, even though i couldn't. i let you down, pony. i let you down."

"im always going to be proud of you ash, no matter what. you're my fighter, and i love that about you. i should be saying sorry, for giving you that idea." tears started flowing out of pony too as we just sat there, looking deep into each other's glassy eyes. i saw everything slowly starting to go black in my vision, and my consciousness slowly faded away again.

Ponyboy's POV

i looked into her eyes that were full of meaning,  with tears in both of our eyes. her eyelids slowly closed again as she went unconscious. i couldn't stop the tears anymore, they just came out uncontrollably.

"she'll be ok, pony. she'll be ok." darry said, turning around to pat my shoulder. i just looked at him, the tears still not stopping.

we pulled up to the hospital and i picked ash up. we walked in and as soon as i walked in, i said "she needs help!" three nurses ran over to us with a stretcher and i laid her down. they started pushing her away, as me and the other boys followed. one of the nurses stopped and turned around saying "this is as far as you guys can go. we'll take care of her."

i stood staring, not believing that i would have to leave ash. they started walking again as i tried to too, but i was held back by darry. i watched ash being rolled away until she was out of sight and in one of the rooms. by then, the rest of the gang arrived and we all sat in the waiting room. soda laid his head on steve, with steve's head on soda's while they were asleep. johnny fell asleep along with two bit and darry. the only ones awake were me and dallas.

"wanna smoke, pony?" dally asked, lighting one of his own.

"yeah, i could use one." i said while lighting mine. a cigarette could always calm my nerves, no matter the circumstance. but this time, it didn't do a whole lot.

"maybe ash wasn't ready for the rumble. maybe we should have just left her home. what were we thinking bringing a small girl to a rumble?" dally stated with a monotone voice.

"she was ready, thats for sure. she just fell into a trap, thats all. and besides, it was my fault i got her into this damn mess. i gave her the idea that i wouldn't be proud of her unless she continued fighting. she was obviously not in a good state to continue fighting, but i told her she could. its my fault." i said, using the same tone as dally.

"yeah, it really does sound like your fault."

"you're an ass, dallas winston."

hours later, ash's doctor walked into the waiting room. i woke up the rest of the boys so they could hear her state too.

"well, is she ok?" i asked quickly.

"she will make a full recovery, so yes. she does have a concussion though, and a bad one at that. she has woken up, but she is still confused about some things due to the concussion. ill tell you what you have to do for the recovery when we go to her room." the doctor started to walk away and all seven of us boys stood up and followed. we got to the doorway of ash's room and i slowly peeked in. i saw she was sitting up in bed, so i walked in and so did the rest of the gang.

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