Chapter 2

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i felt my conscious slowly come back to me. i laid wherever i was with my eyes closed, not wanting to open them. i laid there still and awake for a few minutes, making sure i was not dead and i could do normal functions. after i realized everything was mostly ok, i noticed i saw light through my closed eyelids. i felt something comfortable under me, well, comfortable enough.

"where am i?" i questioned, my eyes still closed.

i finally gathered the courage to open my eyes, and i slowly opened them.

i was in a car, laying down across the backseat with sunlight shining through the windows.

despite some pain i still felt, mostly in my face, i sat up quickly and took note of my surroundings. i was in a run-down neighborhood, parked in front of a small house. i had no idea what time it was, or where i even was for that matter, and i was scared out of my mind.

"someone has to find me, someone of course does. they would put me here for a reason."

out of nowhere, my stomach grumbled LOUD, and i mean LOUD. i forgot that i hadn't eaten since the night my mom beat me real good, and i just now realized how starving i was. after my mind was set on running away yesterday, i guess food just never crossed my mind.

i hunched over in pain, my stomach still growling at me. i heard a noise that wasn't my stomach, but it sounded like footsteps. i sat up and looked out the window.

two boys, i guessed sixteen or seventeen, approached the car while laughing at something the other had said. one of them paused, made eye contact with me, and i immediately flung myself down and out of view of the window.

i heard a pause, then giggles. the passenger and driver doors opened and the two boys sat in. i was in a very uncomfortable position. when i dived behind the window, i fell in between the seat and the back of the passengers seat and i was folded up.

the two boys looked back at me, and the one in the drivers seat spoke.

"hey sunshine, you look comfortable there." giggles erupted again, and more erupted when i struggled to get out.

"who the hell are you guys and why am i in your car?"

the one in the passenger seat looked back at me. i think my jaw dropped when i saw him, but im not completely sure, i was too mesmerized to notice.

he looked like a model, he was the most gorgeous boy i had ever seen. his eyes were a piercing blue, and he had hair color about the same as mine. he was strongly built, and had a smile that could light up the world.

"you done starin'?" he asked.

i snapped out of my trance and gelt my face get hot.

the driver turned around and introduced himself.

"im steve randle, nice to meet ya. im seventeen years old."

steve smiled a toothy grin, and stuck his hand out at me. i took it and smiled a bit. just by looking at him, i could tell he was super goofy.

"im sodapop curtis, but you can call me soda, whatever you like best. im sixteen years old." soda also stuck his hand out at me.

i tried not falling back into my trance again, shaking hands with someone that god-like, but i kept my cool.

steve then spoke up. "well, are you going to introduce yourself to us?"

"not until you tell me why im in your car what happened to me last night."

"well," soda started. "me and steve here were working at the gas station you were walking past, and we saw five socs jump you. he was beatin' you good, so we came out and chased them away. you were unconscious and we couldn't just leave you there, so i brought you to my car."

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