Chapter 1

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(Y/N)'s POV:

"Come on; it's just up ahead." Ah, I guess we are finally here. We have been on this journey for a couple of days now, and I was starting to get bored and tired of this trip. Well, in their defense we were pretty far away I guess, and I tend to get bored quickly...

Not a very good attribute of mine, but hey, no one is perfect.

Let's clear things up a bit. I am, for some unknown reason, secretly being escorted to a village. A particular person had suggested to their Kage to take me in, stating that I would be a great asset to their team and that they shouldn't waste this opportunity. I mean... I must agree! I am great! My skills are beyond exceptional, and I'm just awesome!

Did I mention I have a lot of confidence in myself? I guess that's another attribute of mine. However not a lot of people like it. I don't really understand why. I'm not arrogant or anything... I know the level of my skills, and I know the average level of those skills. So I'm sure and have proof that I'm above normal! It's not my fault I'm better.

Anyway! Back to the point! Since it's supposed to be a secret escort, we can't use the front entrance of the village. So we are using the back way, which is better! It's closer to the Kage office. I seriously can't be bothered to walk anymore! I'm with two trusted ANBU ninjas, and they are too cautious... They just won't believe me when I tell them there is nothing or anyone around us. It's no surprise really, why would they listen to some random stranger?

After a while, we finally entered the building. No one has stopped us or is suspecting anything, which is good, then again no one should really be interfering with ANBUs. We stood in front of a door, and they asked permission to enter. After a few seconds of silence, a woman's voice told us to come in.

Let's clarify something... I have no idea or any type of information on who I'm meeting or where I'm actually going. So I can't really tell who I'm about to meet, other than the fact that they are a Kage and a very 'dear' acquaintance of that particular person that recommended me. So after looking around in my journey, or more like when I entered the building and saw all the ninja's walking around. I got some information. I now know what village I'm in, which gives me which Kage I'm meeting and the fact that they are a woman! Now we can proceed with meeting them!

"Ah! You've arrived! I was starting to wonder how much longer till you get here. Thank you, you may leave her with me." She thanked the ANBU, and they disappeared, leaving behind a puff of smoke. That's when she continued! "Welcome to the Leaf Village! I'm the Fifth Hokage Tsunade. I've heard a lot about you. Though I never actually got your name."

"Right. You can just call me (Y/N). But I must ask... Are those... real?" You can't blame me for wanting to ask! I was barely able to concentrate on what she was saying! They are just... there!

"Excuse me?" She seemed confused by my question. I guess not a lot of people ask her that? However, the person next to her, who for some unknown weird reason was holding a pig? From her expression, I can see that she understood me.

"I meant your..." Before I could finish my sentence, she stopped me by lifting her hand. "I know what you meant! Is that something you ask a Hokage on your first meeting?!" I didn't really mean to offend anyone... They were just so big I couldn't ignore them...

"Right! Sorry. Back to business!" I put on a serious expression and stand properly. Let's get this over with. "(Y/N). I've been told of your skills. And you should know that we got you here, to be one of us. Of course, nothing is forced upon you." I listen closely and nod, to show her I'm keeping up and paying attention. "However, I have only heard of your skills, I haven't actually seen them. So if you don't mind, there will be a little trial period." Now, that caught my attention. I wasn't expecting to be tested. I thought I would just come in, be welcomed, start working. "What exactly do you mean?" I asked to be sure of what the test would be. "Don't worry, you won't have to do anything crazy. For now, why don't you go around and see the village? One of your skills is observation after all. Once you have checked the entire village, come back and tell me about it."

The Survivor {Naruto x Reader}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora