Finding the Truth

Start from the beginning

Lyric: Wow not a lot of people can catch that.

David: So let's get down to business. How long have you two known each other.

Tremaine: Four years almost five.

David: I heard you guys meet by Lyric ran into you one day and you guys saw each other later that day at your foundation dinner.

Lyric: Wow you do your research.

David: I have to make you guys happy. Will there parents at the wedding.

Lyric look away and I rub her back for comfort.

Tremaine: Umm my mom April will be. Lyric's father will be there.

David: Ok do you guys know when you want to get married.

Lyric: June 15.

David: I think that's it for today. I'll call you for another appointment.

Lyric: Thank you.

Tremaine: Thank you for coming it means a lot.

David: Your very welcome.

David left and Lyric and I paid for out food. We drove to the hotel and Lyric laid down on the bed. She look really tired. I kiss her forehead and I heard little snores comes from her mouth. I change my clothes and went to the living room to do some work.

Hours Later

Lyric POV

I was woken up from my nap by my phone ringing. I really didn't want to answer it. I tried to ignore but it kept ringing. I pick it up and answer it.

Lyric: Hello. I said sleepily.

Stephanie: Hey boo what's up.

Lyric: I was sleeping Stephanie.

Stephanie: Well get up did you forget about tonight.

Lyric: Oh shit. Yea I space out. Where is it again. What we have to wear.

Stephanie: Well it's in downtown LA. We have to wear clothes like a slut would wear. You know short butt out stripper heals.

Lyric: Ok I'm on my way. Wait outside the around the corner for me.

Stephanie: Hurry before we miss the deal.

Lyric: Alright bye.

I rush to bathroom and took a shower. I know what you guys are thinking I'm a slut or something. I'm not I have to do this for my families safety and Trey's. There is this guy who was involve in the deal with my Alain and Rico and Sanders. He might be the guy who gave drugs to my dad to sell. I got dress in a pink strapless dress that had cut outs on the side. I put my gun in my panties far enough so know one would see. I put my trench couch on and check my makeup. My hair was curly and I had red lipstick on. I walk out the room and Trey was writing in his notebook. I snuck behind him and wrap my arms around him. I kiss his neck gently. He rub my arms and kiss my hand.

Tremaine: What you doing. I thought you was sleep.

Lyric: I was I have to go do something important for work.

Tremaine: When you coming back.

Lyric: Around 12 or 1.

Tremaine: Why so late.

Lyric: It's a lot of paper work. My boss had to leave the office to I have to make sure everything is ok for her.

Tremaine: Ok well call me when you on your way back.

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