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Lyric's POV

I woke up today in Trey's bed. I rolled over and Trey wasn't there. I went to the bathroom and found an extra tooth brush. I turned the shower on and stripped out my clothes. I got in the shower and washed myself. I start to sing Maxwell- Pretty Wings. I hear the door open probably just Trey getting his stuff to go. I get out the shower and grab a towel. I look at the bathroom counter and see a pair of clothes. There was a note on it.

Dear, Lyric

I ask my assistant to get you a pair of clothes. I made you breakfast it's in the microwave. I have to leave a little earlier then I thought. I'm sorry but I will be back for your big 21st birthday. I gonna miss you. I will call you when I get off the plane. There will be a car waiting for you outside. I'll be thinking of you everyday.

Forever Yours,


I put on the clothes and they fit really good. I send Trey a text saying Thank You. He didn't respond. I go down stairs into the kitchen and see my food. I heat it up and when it's finish I take it in the living room and sit on the couch and eat it. I turn the tv on and watch The Power Puff Girls. Yes the Power Puff Girls I'm a kid at heart I like watching cartoons on Saturday. I finish my food and throw it in the trash. I walk around the house and see a lot of pictures off Trey and his family. He has a bowling alley, movie room, and an inside and outside pool. I hear my phone ring I pick it up and it's my Dad.

Phone Convo

Lyric: Hey father.

Jason: Hey daughter.

Lyric: We are so weird.

Jason: I know you are. What you up to.

Lyric: I'm at a friends house.

Jason: Who is he.

Lyric: How you know it's a he.

Jason: I can hear it in your voice. What's his name?

Lyric: Tremaine.

Jason: What does he do for a living?

Lyric: He is a R&B singer. I say nervously.

Jason: Wow how you think mom is going to take it.

Lyric: I don't know but please don't tell her I want to tell her.

Jason: I won't but be prepared for her wrath.

Lyric: I will. How is the restaurant?

Jason: It's good. You going have to come back one day to come try out these new dishes.

Lyric: I will one day.

Jason: Ok sweetie I have to open the restaurant now. I love you Bye.

Lyric: I love you too.

End of phone convo

I found myself back upstairs in Trey's room I grab my bag and put Trey's shirt in it that I wore last night. I think I'm going to tease Trey with it a little. It's wrong but I don't care. I walk down stairs and leave Trey's place. I look for a extra key somewhere and find it under his mat outside I lock the door and walk to the car that was waiting for me.

Tremain's POV

I left earlier today then I thought. I wanted to spend some time with Lyric before I left but needed to get there before the crazy fans got there. I left a pair of clothes for Lyric to wear cause I didn't want her to wear the same clothes from last night. I going to try to make it to her birthday party in April. I know it's August but I have. 6 month tour going on right now while working on an album. It's hard cause all I want to do is be with Lyric and hold and kiss her but my job is what I have to do to take care of my family. I'm on the plane waiting to take off. I'm talking to my manger about the places I'm going and how many shows I'm doing. I got like 7 show this week 2 in Paris.

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