Making Time

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Lyric POV

I was getting ready for my date with Trey my birthday. I didn't have to go to work today. So that's less stress for me to deal with. I finish working on Derwin's house and I did a pretty damn good job if I say so myself. I got dress in my high waist shorts that had studs on the back, with a crystal bandeau, black combat boots, and a short jean jacket. I did my hair in a half up half down style.

Lyric: Baby you ready.

I walk in the bathroom and Trey was on the phone. I wrap my arms around him and he kiss my head.

Tremaine: Yea I'll come. Bye.

Trey got off the phone and he pick me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He start tickling me and I giggle.

Lyric: So what we doing today.

Tremaine: Well your fine ass is gonna have fun with your girls and I have to go to an appoint with Gabriella.

Lyric: Are you serious Trey. Put me down.

Tremaine: I'm sorry it's the first appoint me I get to go to.

Lyric: Why should you. You never went with me. You always had work or was that just bullshit.

Tremaine: I'm sorry (gco)

Lyric: No don't be sorry. You want to be a man. Go be the motherfucking man you was raise to be. I'll be the motherfucking girlfriend that's sits behind and watches you comfort some other hoe.

Tremaine: She's not a hoe.

Lyric: So you sticking up for now. You know what just get out my face.

Tremaine: Just let me (gco)


Trey left cause I heard the door slam. I so mad right now cause I punch the mirror in the bathroom. It crack and it fell. I heard my phone ring.

Lyric: WHAT.

Derwin: Whoa is this a bad time Ly.

Lyric: Sorry I thought you was somebody else.

Derwin: Is it Trey.

Lyric: Yea how did you know.

Derwin: I remember the tone in your voice when you use to call me. When you was mad at Trey.

Lyric: O.

Derwin: Want to talk about it.

Lyric: Derwin I don't (gco)

Derwin: I know but I want to talk to you.

Lyric: Isn't Helen gonna be mad.

Derwin: We broke up she aborted the baby.

Lyric: I'm sorry. You ok.

Derwin: I'm upset but I'll get over it.

Lyric: You never will.

Derwin: How do you know.

Lyric: Nothing just forget about it. You wanna meet me at the park.

Derwin: Same one we went to on our first date.

Lyric: First hang out and yes. I heard him chuckle.

Derwin: I'll meet you there.

Lyric: Ok see you there.

I hung up the phone and pick up my bag. I left the house and I was on my way to the park. I decide to walk cause I need to clear my mind. I put my head phones in and I put my music on shuffle. Ne-yo So Sick came on. I took the long way to the park. I thought about my future with Trey and how this baby will change everything. I not gonna be the number one girl in Trey's life anymore expect his mother and grandmother. I know I sound selfish but I deserve attention for all the shit I did for that man. I just thought Trey was different. I got to the park and saw Derwin. I took my headphones off and put it in my bag. I quietly walk behind him and jump on his back. We both fell down.

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