The Last Time

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2 years..... 4years together

Tremaine POV

Phone Convo

Tremaine: Hey baby what you doing.

Lyric: Working on school work. When are you coming home.

Tremaine: Tomorrow tonight.

Lyric: Ok. I love you.

Tremaine: I love you too. I have to go baby it's my turn to get in the booth.

Lyric: Ok bye.

End of phone convo

Gabby: Trey we shouldn't be doing this.

Tremaine: I know I know.

Gabby: I know what it feels like to be cheat on. I like Lyric she is a good friend but I want you Tremaine. I'm still in love with you.

Tremaine: Gabby I never meant for this to happen. I love you but as a friend. We can't keep doing this.

Gabby: But it feels so right.

Tremaine: Gabby we can't I'm with Lyric.

Gabby: I know and I just want to see if there was something still there between us.

Tremaine: Is there something between us.

Gabby: A little bit of love is still there but you love Lyric more.

Tremaine: I never meant to hurt you Gabby. Can we still be friends.

Gabby: I don't think so Tremaine. This is the last time. I'll tell Kevin I don't want to work for you anymore.

Gabby left the hotel room. Gabby and I have had sex once. We went to dinner after my concert in L.A. today. I took her back to her hotel room. Then she kiss me and it turn into more then a kiss. I made love to Gabby. I feel bad cause I cheat on Lyric again. I don't want to tell Lyric but I have to.

The Next Day at night.

I gather my stuff and left the room. I got in my car and drove home. I got home and Lyric was asleep. I put a blanket on her and kiss her cheek.

Lyric: Trey when did you get home.

Tremaine: I just got here. Go back to sleep baby. I'll be in the bedroom.

Lyric: No I want to here about your trip.

Tremaine: Well I woke in my hotel room. Then I ate some breakfast. Had practice with the band for the award show. Then I ummmm

Lyric: Then you what.

Tremaine: Then I talk to you.

Lyric: Trey are you telling me the truth.

Tremaine: Baby before I talk to you. Me and Gabby had sex. I'm so sorry Lyric.

Lyric got up from the couch. I grab her by her hand. She look at me. She had tears coming down her eyes.

Lyric: I gave you everything you need from me Tremaine. I did everything you told me to do. I love you hard and you cheat on me again. I gave up spending time with my family and friends. I change my class schedule for cause I don't see you all the time. So if you want to be with Gabby go ahead. I'm done fighting for this relationship. I want you out.

Tremaine: Baby please it was one time. I won't do it again. Please I don't want to leave you.

Lyric: You don't want to leave Tremaine fine but be prepare for hell to rain over you.

I tried to kiss her but she walk away. I happy she let me stay but I'm scare what she is going to do. I have to make this up to her. I walk into our room and she was packing my stuff.

Tremaine: What are you doing.

Lyric: You want to act like a dog you can be treat like a dog.

Tremaine: What does that mean.

Lyric: Good dogs sleep in the house bad dogs sleep outside. You can sleep outside or in the garage. I don't care but your not sleeping in here. So get your shit and get out.

Tremaine: Do I (gco)

Lyric: Tremaine it's either we stay in this relationship and you sleep outside or you leave this relationship and I never speak to you again. It's your choice.

Tremaine: Give me my bags.

Lyric: That's what I thought.

I grab my bags and walk threw the patio door in the back. I can't believe Lyric is making me stay in the garage. I mean at least she is staying with me. I open the garage door and it was clean. I drop my bags and open the air mattress. I pump it and I laid down on it. I close my eyes for awhile. I saw all of Lyric and I's relationship. From the time we meet till our first kiss, the first time we made love, when she was pregnant. I remember all of it. She forgave me every time I mess up. She carried my children. We love each other. She has to forgive me cause if she doesn't I don't know what I'm gonna do. I love Lyric so much I would die for her but I ruin that. I have to get her to forgive me. My phone start ringing it was my mom. I don't feel like talking her but I have to.

Tremaine: Hey momma.

April: What did you do to Lyric.

Tremaine: How do you know I did something to Lyric.

April: I call her cause I was flying there tomorrow. She pick up and she was crying.

Tremaine: I don't feel like talking about it.

April: I don't care if you don't want to talk about it. You have that women crying her eyes out cause of you. Now what did you do.

Tremaine: I cheat on her with Gabby.

April: Tremaine what happen.

Tremaine: Gabby and I went out to eat after a concert in L.A. yesterday then I took her back to the hotel. She kiss me and I kiss her back and then it happen.

April: Tremaine where are you now.

Tremaine: In the garage.

April: Why.

Tremaine: Cause Lyric said I was a dog and a bad dog sleeps outside.

April: Good you ass lucky she didn't make you sleep outside or kick you out or break up with you. You cheat on her before haven't you learn your lesson.

Tremaine: Yes and I haven't cheat on her since I did with Helen. I just need to get her back please ma you gotta help me.

April: Tremaine I would love to help you but you made your bed now you need lay it. All I can do is give you advice. If you really love Lyric you would fight for her till there is no fight left. Then you fight for her some more. That women has been through a lot and she trusted you. She loves you she has change her old ways for you when she could of stay the same. Just give her some time with this. I'll talk to you later. I'm so disappoint in you. I raise a better man.

She hung up on me. I know my mom is disappointed in me. I just never thought she would say it. Now I need to get Lyric back. I don't know how but I just do.






Trey cheat again?

Does Trey still have feelings for Gabriella?

Should Trey stay with Lyric or leave her to be with Gabriella.

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