Starting Over

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Lyric's POV

I was at my art class sore as hell cause Trey put in work yesterday. Even though we got caught for the second time. I was painting my project for art class. I think it's going to Trey's present for his birthday. I start drawing his eyes then his nose. Someone tap me on my shoulder and I turn around.

Lyric: What do you want jerk.

Israel: I came to say sorry plus your my partner.

Lyric: I forgive but know this say something disrespectful again about my relationship you'll end up missing.

Israel: Got it.

Lyric: So what you drawing.

Israel: My father he is becoming a General.

Lyric: What's his name.

Israel: Alain Rodriguez.

Lyric: OMGS.

Israel: What's wrong.

Lyric: Nothing do you have a picture of him.

Israel: Yea.

He pull out his phone and show me the picture. It was Alain he's alive.

Lyric: When was this taken.

Israel: Ummm last year.

Lyric: Do you know where he is.

Israel: Yea why.

Lyric: We might be related.

Israel: Your lying my dad never cheat on my mom.

Lyric: That's what I thought. I can explain everything. I just need you to tell me where he is. You could be in trouble.

Israel: What kind if trouble.

Lyric: Life or Death Trouble.

Israel: Who are you.

Lyric: My name is Lyric. I work for the Army. I join when I was eighteen. I need to look for my father. I didn't find him. So I came back to the states. My so call farther is Alain. He raise me and my brother till I was five. My mom died in a car accident when I was five. Alain left my brother and I. I just found out that Alain is not my birth father he is my brother Dom's father.

Israel: I know Dom but so your my half sister too.

Lyric: Yes kinda. Now I need you tell me where Alain is.

Israel: He left he is in Rio.

Lyric: Ok ummmm you can't tell anybody this.

Israel: I have to at least tell my brothers and sisters.

Lyric: No I will tell them. I'm not even suppose to tell you. I need to find Alain he might be the reason why my mother is dead.

Israel: Ok I won't tell. I'll help you find him. He is coming back in a month for his award.

Lyric: Do you know someone name Rico.

Israel: Yea he is my Godfather.

Lyric: Ok I gotta go.

I pack up my stuff and left my class. Alain is alive and so is Rico. I have to tell Stephanie.

Disrespectful [Completed]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें