What He Did

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Lyric's POV

I was at base today to run over something with the process of Alain and Rico. Stephanie was with me and we were close to finding them. We have to do this late at night when no one is really here. It's against the rules to use Military equipment to look for someone for personal reasons. We could go to jail for a long time.

Stephanie: Lyric look I think I found something.

Lyric: What.

Stephanie: So Genral Sanders was with Alain the day that our moms died. He was waiting for Alain cause he owed him some money.

Lyric: For what.

Stephanie: For drugs. I guess Alain was selling drugs to Sanders.

Lyric: Wait that's why Alain always would leave in the middle of night. They can both go to jail for importing drugs and selling.

Stephanie: I know. I found a tape recording of them talking.

Lyric: Let's listen to it.

Stephanie pull the tape up and we start listening to it.


Alain: Sanders where's my money.

Sanders: Ummmm I don't have it but I have a job that you can do to get it. If you kill Melody and Selena.

Alain: No I'm not killing my wife and Rico's wife.

Sanders: Come on I'll give you all the money plus more. No one will ever know.

Alain: Why do you want to do it.

Sanders: Because she is cheating on you. Don't you want to get back at her and those stupid little kids you got. I mean come on. Lyric bit you when you hit Melody and Dom stab you when you smack Lyric. Come on Alain all we need to do is get Rico on board with this. Then you can take the money and help your other baby momma with the rest of your kids.

Alain: Alright I'll do it but after this Rico and I disappear. No one should ever know about this.

Sanders: Ok. This is going down on April 5. In the morning don't back down now we will be rich.

End of Tape

I got so made and punch a wall. My father kill my mother. I can't believe he did it for some money and his other family. Stephanie was staring me.

Stephanie: Come on I think that's it for today.

Lyric: What do you mean. I just found that my father just kill my mother and Sanders. There could be a huge possibility that Rico did it to.

Stephanie: My father didn't kill our mothers. He wouldn't do that.

Lyric: Stephanie there's a hug possibility he did Step. Look at the facts.

Stephanie: He didn't do it you Bitch. I'm done with this case. You can figure out the rest and go to jail for it.

Lyric: Fine I will and when I prove he did it and when I find them y'all be sorry.

Stephanie: Bye Bitch.

She walk out the room. I can't believe she doesn't believe me. This all to much for me in one day. I just need to go home and I want Trey to hold. Now I have to tell Dom. I haven't talk to him in months. I walk out the building. I went to the weapons room real quick and grab some more bullets and another hand gun and a AK 47 riffle. I put them in a bag and walk out. I went to my car and put the bag in the backseat. I start the car and got a text from Trey.

Tremaine: Hey baby. Can you bring me some food on your way home I'm at the studio.

Lyric: Sure.

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