Her Birthday

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Lyric's POV


The day Lyric and Stephanie's mom died.

Lyric, wake up.


It's me baby. Happy birthday.

Thank you where's daddy.

Daddy went work a little early he will be back when you get home from school.

Mommy can Stephanie come over since it's her birthday too.

Si baby.

Go get dress so you can go to school I'll make you some breakfast ok.

Ok. Mommy

Yes sweetie.

Can you sing me my song please.

Your my Lyric and I'm your Melody.

Your my Lyric and I'm you Melody.

We both started with one Heartbeat.

Your my Lyric and I'm you Melody.

Your my Lyric and I'm your Melody.

Thank you mommy.

Your welcome sweetie.

I got dress and out my blue shorts on with my birthday girl shirt on with sneakers. I ran downstairs and sat at the table. My mom place my food in front of me. I finish eating and grab my book bag.

Mommy come on Stephanie going to beat me. I got to get to school first.

Ok ok I'm coming.

She strapped me in my seat and we drove off. We got to school and I ran out the car.

Lyric wait.

Yes mommy.

I want you take my necklace. No matter what anyone tells I will always be your mom. As long as you wear this necklace I am always close to your heat I will never leave you. I love you baby girl.

I love you too mommy. I promise to wear it mommy.

She gave me a kiss on the cheek. I ran into school. We did work,took a nap, and now it was ready to leave. I was happy leave cause I get to see my daddy when he gets home. We get to eat cake i like cake. Stephanie and I waited at the corner for our moms. I saw my mom's car coming from up the street. I saw a white truck coming from the other way. I saw the truck drive a little faster toward my mom. Then it happen. my moms car flipped over and landed upside down. I saw her head out the window.

Noooooooooooooooo Mommy.

I ran and ran and ran and ran.

I got to her. I tried to get her out the car. It didn't work.

Mommy don't leave me please.

Your my Lyric and I'm your Melody. I love you Lyric.

Noooooo mommy please please don't leave me you promised.

Wake up wake up please.

The truck didn't even stop it just keep going. I remember the license plate. 4585•Apr. I will never forget that. I heard sirens coming at me from every side of me. Stephanie was crying that her mom would wake up but she didn't. I cried my little five year old eyes out. Till she woke up. She never did. A man pick me up.

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