Chapter 11

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"Well how about this one?" Mama asked as she showed me  the atampa with huge green leaves on her phone.

"Mmm...seems too bold" I said.

She scrolled and she showed me the another one with red sequences.

I shook my head "The red is too mu-.."

I didn't get to finish what I was saying because she threw a pillow at my head.

"Mama!" I said gaping at her.

"Tun dazu mukeh nan, kin chika ruwan ido! Pick two already!"

I murmured under my breath saying I'll pick the purple one and the blue one.

"Kin ko kira Amir din?" She said.

(Did you call Amir?)

I froze.

I know I know! I'm a bad person!

Especially with the fact that I was even saying how I won't forget to thank him.

But the think is immediately I retired to my room yesterday I freshened up and I said my prayers, I didn't even know how I made it to the bed honestly because I was so tired.

Then I was woken up by mama at 10am so I can choose the fabrics I want for Eid, and I've been doing that since.

I mean it's my fault but it's actually not my fault.

Her head shot in my direction after hearing my silence, and the next thing I know another pillow was landing on the side of my head.

If the pillows in this living room get damaged we know who to blame.

I kind of saw it coming so I didn't complain, I rubbed the side of my head instead.

"Yanzu iman baki kira shi kin mishi Godiya ba??" She exclaimed.

(Iman you haven't called him to say thank you?!)

Before the lecture gets worse I stood up and I ran to my room.

I could hear her cussing me out from the living room.

My phone was still charging from when I plugged it in last night.

I unplugged it before unlocking it and calling the number he called me with yesterday.

I had thought he wasn't going to pick up, but on the last ring he did.

"Hello Iman" he said.

"Hi Amir" I turned to scowl at myslef in the mirror when I noticed the stupid smile on my face.


"How are you? Done dreaming about your man?" He joked.

"Done?? Never!" I said.

He let out a snicker.

"How are you?" I asked.

"I'm well, Alhamdulillah."

"I received your gift, thank you, you didn't have to" I said.

"Which gift are you talking about?" He said.

Oh he's trying to play that game?

"Oh, you didn't send it? Maybe my man did, it has to be him" I said.

"It must be, are you getting us mixed up Iman? Don't start mistaking me for him or else I would have to get a restraining order" he said.

I laughed.

"Not but really, thank you so much" I said.

"You're welcome" he replied.

I heard the twins shouting behind him and I chuckled.

The Bond  (Hausa story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz