Chapter 2

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"Keh, don't forget about the basket" Ya Nadia reminded me

I rolled my eyes "I know!, I was the one who reminded you to buy it, isn't it? So how can I forget"

She moved forward to hit me before I quickly took the basket of fruits and I closed the door before she got to me

When I was a safe distance away from her I stuck my tongue out at her

She gave me an irritated look "you're so childish"

"You're too solemn!"

Ya Ibrahim just shook his head at us in amusement

Sometimes I forget about his presence to be honest, because of how quiet he is

Could never be I and Ya Nadia

Especially her, she's a chatterbox 

We went inside the hospital building, and walked towards the elevator, we entered it and Ya ibrahim pressed button 5

Upon reaching the fifth floor the doors opened and we stepped out, we went to the very end of the floor and we stopped at room 520

I went in first to see Aunty Khadijah's younger  sister Aunty Halima, then a random woman i didn't know, my mom and then summaya who was praying and Aunty Khadijah was laying on the bed

She looked thinner than usual and somewhat pale

I felt a wave of a sadness when I looked at her, she's really been through a lot

The three of us said our salams

Ya Ibrahim left the room after he exchanged greetings with them

"ina wuni" I told Aunty Halima after Ya Nadia finished greeting her

"Lafiya kalau iman, ya gida?"she asked

"Lafiya, Ya meh jiki?"

"Meh jiki Alhamdulillah, da sauqi" she replied as she gave me a warm smile

I exchanged the same greeting with Summayah after she finished praying

When she stood next to me Aunty Halima made a light joke about how Summayah was looking older than me to lighten up the situation in the room

I smiled remembering I was two years older than them 

"where is Samira?" I asked Summayah

"She went home to take a shower, but she would be back then I'll go"

Aunty Halima interrupted our conversation "she's the one bringing back the food right?"
She asked Sumayyah

"Eh, its her" she replied

She hissed "just go collect the food, kinsan yan da er uwar naki takeh, baza ta dawo yanzu ba" (you know how your sister is, she won't come back now"

Summayah laughed while standing up "ok toh "

Aunty Halima's gaze turned to me, she probably saw how awkward I felt "Iman toh sai ki bita, kar ah barki da tsofafi" (iman you should go with her, let's not leave you with the old people)

That made the people in the room laugh

I gave Ya Nadia a knowing smile since she's been included in the 'tsofaffi'

She rolled her eyes at me

One day her eyeballs will fall off!

"Ok then, iman muje?" Summaya said 

"Ok tohh.." I kept the basket I was still holding on a small table next to me then I looked at Mama for permission and she nodded

I smiled at her and I followed summaya out of the room

We reached their car and we both entered the back seat

The driver drove us out of the hospital

We drove for what seemed like about 12 minutes before we arrived at the house

I've been to this house a handful of times but anytime I come the beauty of it never seizes to amaze me

Their house was beyond beautiful

We came out of the car and entered the mansion just as maghrib prayer was being called

"Gabrielle, where is Samira?" Summaya called out when we went through the front door 

The woman named Gabrielle quickly appeared "Sannu ma,  Samira is upstairs"

"Thank you, come on iman " summaya said when she saw that I was still at the spot that I was since I came in

I moved forward and Gabrielle gave me a friendly nod and I returned it with a warm smile

She seemed nice

We walked up the stairs and passed a few doors until we came to two doors that were opposite each other

We took the one on the left and I saw samira stuffing some clothes into a small duffle bag  with her back facing us

"Hey" summaya said to Samira

"Hey" Samira answered without turning back to face us

When she turned and she saw me she looked surprised before moving forward to give me a hug "imaaan!, how are you?"

"Samira!, I'm good, how about you?"

"Alhamdullilah" she replied

"Aunty Halima said I should come get the food myself because you were going to waste time" Sumayyah told her before gulping down a bottle of water she found on the night stand

"I am already done" Samira said with a sheepish smile

"It doesn't seem like it" Sumayyah said as she closes the bottle

"Toh I'm almost done!" She admitted

I chuckled before Sumayyah rolled her eyes

"Kin gani? Shiririta, dama Aunty Halima ta fadda!" Sumayyah told me while shaking her head (You see? Aunty Halima said it!)

"Just get the food and go without me" Samira  said rolling her eyes

"Dama who said we were going to wait for you" sumayyah said as she held my hand, pulling me with her out of the room

"Bye iman!" Samira called out


We went downstairs, stopping  at the kitchen just in time and the cook gave us the basket and flask and we left the house and into the car

There was traffic on the way and the silence in the car was too much so I decided to make a

"So how's school?" I asked Sumayyah

"School is stressful, so so stressful, and this is just my first year, I wonder how it'll be in the future"

I chuckled "don't worry, you'll survive In Sha Allah"

"I hope so" she said with a small laugh

From then on our conversation flowed, she was an easy person to talk

Something I've always admired about her

We were so engrossed in our conversation that we didn't notice we had arrived at the  hospital until the car had stopped

I took out the basket while Sumayyah took the flask then we went inside the building

When we entered the room Aunty Khadijah was still not awake

It bothered me a little but I decided not to think about it

I guess she needed to rest as much as she could

"You are here just in time we were waiting for you dama" Ya Nadia whispered to me

I nodded before I kept the basket

We said our good byes before leaving

When I reached home I prayed Maghrib and I waited for some minutes then I prayed Isha before going to sleep

Thanks for reading!


Love, M❤️

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