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A/N : 


Please tell me if you want to beta this long story :D

Enjoy! The next update will be the last update!


The sunset when Seokjin and Jungkook went to the hill with the younger man's bike was stunning, Seokjin smiled happily behind the alpha. The wind caressed his cheek and played with his soft black hair. The sound of the bike's chains became a melody he loved.

However, his face turned a little sour when he walked to their destination on the hill, "are we there yet?" he asked with a tired voice, his shoes dirty because of the wet ground of the forest.

Jungkook turned around and took Seokjin's bag to help the older man, "almost," he grinned. Seokjin accepted the offered hand, the omega thought he really has a soft spot for Jungkook's bunny-smile.

He sighed again and again, clearly show his unwilling side for this small trip. Jungkook on the other hand, with a flashlight, led them to a special spot, "we're here," he said. Seokjin looked around with confused expression, all he can see was an empty spot near the edge of the hill.

"There's nothing here?" he said, Jungkook opened a big cloth; almost look like a blanket. When Seokjin came closer to Jungkook, slowly he can see a big screen far down the hill. A huge screen where people can watch a movie from their parked car, but well, Jungkook had a different idea rather than watching the movie with a car.

"This is it ....?" Seokjin still sounded a little bit confused, Jungkook sat down first with a big smile plastered to his handsome face. He pulled Seokjin down when he saw the omega still standing, the older male squinted his eyes cutely to see the screen that looked so small from their place.

Jungkook took out a binocular and gave it to Seokjin, "look!" he said excitedly, Seokjin took the binoculars from his hands.

A lot of cars parked before the widescreen, "wah!" he shouted a little, "it's a movie theatre!"

That seemed to do the trick after Jungkook took out a thermos with hot chocolate and a radio that broadcast the movie live for the movie theatre bellow they started to enjoy the date.

"Want to see it too?" Seokjin gave the binoculars back, waiting patiently while Jungkook grinned and watched the movie from the big screen far away from them.

Munching the peanuts he brought, Seokjin waited but seem impatient. Jungkook smiled and gave the binocular, Seokjin squealed with delight and took it from him while Jungkook snatched the other food from the older man's hand.

They did that continuously, switching after one another, waiting and staring at the other while the other watched the movie.

"Wow," Jungkook gasped as the movie entered its climax, Seokjin was about to reach the binocular but hesitate a little, and then went annoyed because Jungkook kept the binocular for himself.

He snatched it and caught Jungkook's hand so he can continue watching the movie, Jungkook mumbled a little 'sorry' but their smiles never wear off.

"Turn up the volume," Seokjin said, Jungkook pouted and took the small radio.

"I will turn off the volume," he said, Seokjin gazed at him with betrayed eyes.

"What?" he gave him a 'look' and he gulped.

"Fine," he sulked.

Jungkook moved closer to the point their shoulder bumped into each other, "let's share," he said.

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