"Yeah,I've always loved them so why not get as close as possible."Deku then thought back to before All Might and how he considered the same thing."Did you always want to be a hero ?"

Izuku smiled at her as he considered his next few words."It was my dream even when I was little."He then thought,'I'm about to sound like a nerd.'"As a kid I watched this one All Might video everyday and I had a hero notebook that I still update."

Ochaco laughed at how honest the man was.She found it amazing that he was a hero,but still felt genuine even towards her.A secretary at the agency he works at."I never would have pegged you for a nerd."

"What's that suppose to mean ?"

"When people imagine a hero they think of someone like All Might.A person who's so extraordinary they don't seem real,but then there's you,you come off as a normal guy with amazing abilities."

Izuku was unsure of how to take her statement at first,but by the end he began to understand she was complimenting him.He blushed at her strange compliment and tried his best to brush it off."I just how my mom raised me I guess,or maybe it's because of junior high."

"Junior high ?"

"I wasn't exactly very popular."

"Huh!But you're quirk is so awesome."

Thanks,but that wasn't always the case."He then pulled off his glove covering his right hand and showed her his scars. Ochaco went wide eyed at the sight.His hand was scarred and it appeared as if the bone never healed properly. Uraraka was unsure of how to respond,so she acted instead.The woman placed her soft,warm hands over his ruff knuckles.He looked up into her eyes and felt content.The woman then gave him her beautiful smile.

"I...uhh k-know this is kinda personal,but...how did it happen ?"

"It's fine.Did you watch the sports festival during your first year of high school."

Ochaco raised a questioning eyebrow."Yeah...everybody did."

"Well do you remember Endeavor's son's fight in the second round."

"Wait a second.You're talking about one of the greatest fights in the Sports Festival's history !"

Izuku grinned at her excitement.The girl loved to call him a nerd,but she seemed just as interested in heroes as him."I don't know about all that,but I was in it."

The pretty woman gasped."That was you?The one who destroyed his body just to fight him."

"Yeah.Back then my quirk was like that and I payed for it."Ochaco began to trace her fingers over his scars as she studied his hand.

"Y-You did all that for the Sports Festival."

"When you put it like that you make me feel dumb."

"Because it was dumb."

"I guess you're right,but hey let's lighten up the mood."

"How's that ?"

"One word...pie."Uraraka stifled a giggle and was all for a sweet dessert.


Izuku opened the door for his date as they walked out of the cafe.When they made it outside the cold caused Uraraka's pale nose to turn red in an instant.The winter breeze had the same effect on Izuku as his cheeks and nose turned a few shades darker.After the woman exited the restaurant Deku took a step out into the frozen tundra and slipped on a patch of ice. Izuku half expected Ochaco to laugh at his mishap when he collided with the hard ground below him,but instead the girl caught him by his hood.The woman giggled,"It'd be a shame if you fell on the first date ."Moments after she poked fun at the hero,she also slipped on the ice and fell on top of Deku. The pair couldn't help but laugh at their predicament.

Izuku caught his breath and joked about themselves."We're some goofballs."He then tried to turn over onto his back,but as he did the woman leaned in towards him.She then met with his lips,but she seemed to be the only one invested in the kiss. Ochaco began to worry that she had made a mistake,but she began to smile when she saw Deku's face.The man's mind had went blank at what had transpired but even in the cold his blush was visible and a grin was plastered across his face.

Midoryia's mind began to race at what he had just experienced.Her lips were soft and tasted like strawberries.The touch was warm even in the flurry of snow and reminded him of being curled up in a blanket during the winter.Being around her felt cozy,but his thoughts were interrupted by a tap on his nose.His eyes darted up to Ochaco,who was leaning over him and had a silly grin.She then teased him."Have you never kissed a girl before ?"

"I..umm...we-you se-th-no."

"Oh my god !"

"You love teasing me don't you."

"Yes,but that's not what it is.You just so...innocent and I love it ."The woman then shrieked."You're just a green cinnamon roll."

"A cinnamon roll ?",questioned Izuku as he dusted the snow off of his clothes. Ochaco nodded her head.

"You super sweet,fluffy,and warm just like a cinnamon roll.And those are in my top three favorite desserts."Izuku just stared at her with his goofy smile and an immense blush.

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