Saving My Friends and Family

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I walked to the jet garage and stepped in the Squadron Supreme jet and sat down.

"Hey Leon," I said.

"Genevieve? What are you doing here on your own?" he asked.

"It's a long story. I'll tell you on the way."

"Where to Gene?"


"Aye aye!"

Few seconds later, I was above the clouds, on my way to Renais.

Let me tell you about Renais. Renais is a small continent who neighbors Rausten. Renais is known for being very big on sports, especially basketball, both male and female.

"So... mind telling me why you're flying to Renais on your own?" Leon asked.

"Well..." I began.

I soon explained everything to him. How we found out that Grayson was Ezekiel, that he kidnapped my family and friends, and why he told me to come on this mission alone.

"Wow... I can't believe that Grayson was the leader of Team Aether the whole time," Leon said.

"Yeah," I said.

"Hey, I'm sorry about your folks, Genevieve. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Just be ready when I have my parents, my sister, and my friends."

"Will do. We're actually about to land, Gene."

I nodded and got ready. Leon then activated the jet's stealth mode. As he was hovering over an alley, I jumped out and landed on the hard gravel and concrete. I gave Leon a nod and he nodded back. I sighed as I watched Leon fly off. I took out my map and looked over it. Then, I saw some writing in the bottom right corner of the map.

"Use your com bracelet to scan the map."

I gave a confused look, but still hovered my com bracelet over the map. Then, a bright blue beam emitted from the bracelet and scanned the map. Then, the beam shone on the ground. I soon saw a thin line leading out of the alley.

Now I know what this is. It's a locator. The com bracelet scanned the map, and now it's showing me which way I have to go.

I put the map back in my pocket and followed the line. The line soon went under a door. I looked up at the sign, and it read "Baxter Foundation". I stepped back and saw that it was a big building. I walked inside, and saw a lot of people wearing orange and black.

Must be employees.

It's funny, because no one noticed me.

Should I worry or not? I mean, this gives me a great opportunity to find my family and friends and I'm not about to pass that up.

I walked down the hall in search of my family and friends. 

"She's here, boss," said one of the employees.

"Good. Make sure you tell Nichole that she has a visitor." said Ezekiel.

"Yes, sir."

As I walked along the hallway, the lights started flickering.

Been here before.

I took out my repulsors and put them on. Then, when the hallway went completely dark, I immediately turned on my repulsors. As I walked along the dark hall, I heard a clatter coming from a room. I walked closer to a nearby door, and put my ear against it. Another clatter came from the other side of the door, but it was louder. I quickly, but quietly, opened the door and it was pitch black inside. I shined my repulsors in the room and looked around. I then saw a desk, but it was turned over. I then looked around the room and saw many things turned over: chairs, a sofa, and even a bookshelf.

What happened in here...?

I looked around and I saw a woman in a corner, hugging her knees, crying. I quickly ran up to her and kneeled beside her. She had silver hair and green eyes.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked.

She looked up at my with tear filled eyes and nodded. I gave her a warm smile.

"But you're not..." she mumbled.

"What did you-"

Next thing I knew, I saw a needle in my neck.

"Say night night... Genevieve..." she said.

Then, my vision became blurry, and I passed out.

She drugged me... Of course she drugged me... Well, let's just hope she's taking me to where my family and friends are...

When I woke up, I was in a glass box. I tried to move my hands, but my wrists were tied together.

"Genevieve...?" asked a voice.

I turned around, and I burst into tears. Next to me were my parents, Hannah, and my friends.

"Oh Gene, you're okay." said my mom.

"Guys..." I said.

I got up and ran to them.

"Wait, Gene!" cried Harriet.

Next thing I knew I was back on the floor with a sore head. I sat on my knees and look closer. Our glass boxes were connected. My East wall and their West wall were connected by glass.

"Are you okay, Gene?" Damien asked.

"Yeah... just got a little headache now. More importantly, are you guys okay?" I asked.

"We're fine. We just don't know how we got here." Hannah said.

"I can explain that part, Hannah."

I soon explained everything, and only Hannah understood.

"So Grayson was Ezekiel this whole time!? Of course he would be the one pulling the strings," Hannah growled.

"I know. The others and I found out when we went to Team Super Nova's base in Plegia," I said.

"That's insane... and I trusted him, too."

"We all did, Hannah... we all did."

"Sorry to interrupt, but what are you even talking about?" Vincent asked.

"So... you haven't told them yet?" asked a sadistic voice.

I turned around and saw the lady I helped. She was wearing a very revealing black, lace top, an orange slit skirt, and matching orange knee high boots.

"So glad you could finally join us Genevieve," she said.

"I'm guess you're the admin of Team Aether, right?" I asked.

"My, my... you are a smart one, but yes. I am Team Aether's admin. The Bewitching Beauty is what they call me around here, but you may call me Nicholette Richards, Nichole for short if you'd like, sweetheart."

Bewitching Beauty is right. If you could see Nichole now, even you would be spellbound by her beauty.

"Now, I'll ask you again... you haven't told them yet?" she asked.

"Told them what?" I asked.

"Your super spy secret..."

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