The Galaxy Queen

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Everyone gasped.

"I knew it!" I said.

"Sorry Gene. I should have trusted your judgement." Diana said.

"Its okay Dia."

"But I have to know. How did you know that Samira wasn't... well, Samira?" Hunter asked.

"When I asked to accompany her, she said no, and it got me thinking, because no victim would want to speak to the enemy without someone there to protect them in case things go south."

"No lie can pass by your eyes, little sis." Nathan said, ruffling my hair.

Diana walked up to Stella and grabbed her by her collar.

"Where is the REAL Samira Khan?" she asked.

"Unconscious in the security room." she said.

"And where is your leader?" Maddie asked, walking up to them.

Stella tried to resit, but the truth spilled from her lips.

"In the club down the street, there will be a poster with a galaxy on it, and behind it is a staircase that leads to our hideout," she said.

"Mind telling us the name of this club?" Diana asked.

"Tempest Bar Club."


Diana let go of Stella's collar and walked back to the group.

"Looks like we're heading out." Hunter said.

"Yeah, but first, lets find the real Samira Khan, and tell her what happened." I said.

"Good idea." Nathan said.

"Nathan, Austin, and I will stay here until the ESA comes and arrests these guys." Maddie said.

"Alright. Be careful, you three." Diana said.

The three of us walked away and headed towards the security room. Inside was a young woman with lilac hair, wearing a burgundy business suit.

"Ms. Khan... please wake up." I said, shaking her.

Her eyes opened slowly, and they were a beautiful burgundy color.

"What... what happened? Where am I?" she asked.

"Let me tell you the whole story." Diana said.

Diana, Hunter, and I told Samira everything that happened this afternoon. After we were done, Samira held her head and winced in pain.

"I see. The last thing I remember was getting struck in the head with something really hard." she said.

I looked around the room and saw a metal pipe. I walked over to it and picked it up. I brought it back to Diana and the others, and showed them.

"This is what you were hit with." I said.

"This is a great piece of evidence to use against Team Super Nova." Diana said.

"Well, on behalf of everyone here at the Galactic Star Planetarium, I thank you." Samira said.

"You're welcome. Just doing our job." Hunter said.

We helped Samira up and walked back to the group. When we got there, some ESA agents were there arresting the grunts and Stella.

"See to it that Samira Khan is checked out to make sure she has no other injuries." Diana said.

"Yes ma'am." said the paramedic.

The paramedic told Samira to follow him, and she did. Then, a couple of Squadron Supreme agents came up to us. Their names were: Peyton, Blake, Rose, and Levi.

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