Sasuke.X.OC - Jelousy over a Barmaid

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Question: Do you like reading character bio's at the beginning of chapters? I'll start adding them if anyone wants them. Now, on with the story!



He turned around in his chair, hearing that soft whisper of a voice like butterflies carrying across the overcrowded tavern. There she was, same long brown hair, maroon shirt and dark purple skirt that swept the floor. She straightened after having caught his attention and pushed herself away from the bar counter. She had been waiting for the stranger's arrival, ever since the last time she laid eyes on him.

The woman's hips swayed slightly as she wove between chairs. She knew her father would put her on dish-washing duties for a year if she was caught getting friendly with the customers, but she didn't care. She'd spent her whole life working in the god-forsaken bar. The only reason she hadn't left was in anticipation for a certain stranger's arrival. A certain Uchiha. She had been sure, since the last time of seeing him, that Sasuke would visit again.

"Sasuke." She caught the four's attention on a single breath, despite Sasuke paying no mind to her arrival. He continued swishing the water in his glass, sawing into the food on his plate like nothing else mattered. He had a great determination not to pay any mind to the woman, but to no avail.

The woman beside him looked exceptionally irritated at the barmaid's approach. "Back off. Keep away from my Sasuke!" She splayed her hand atop the back of his seat and shot the other woman a seething look.

"Karin! That's no way to speak to a lady." Suigetsu's purple eyes played dolefully at the hem of the barmaid's neckline. He could understand why she called for Sasuke, since he got the most female attention amongst the group. But he didn't get why no one shimmied over for him. He could only imagine what it would be like. Not even the unmanliness of Karin would entertain him at a price. But that probably had something to do with her infatuation for Sasuke.

"Hn. Your one to talk!" She pouted and crossed her arms across her chest. She refused to make eye contact.

"How long are you going to stand there? Yokko?"

"As long as it takes for you to acknowledge me." She smirked. Sasuke swivelled in his seat and black eyes met with another pair of black eyes. The other three at the table went back to finishing their meal, but didn't remove their eyes from Sasuke and the woman. At least now they had dinner and a show. Karin was not impressed. She seethed at the other female, adding a depth of drama to the charade which Suigetsu and Jūgo drank in. "Come on." The barmaid flicked her head to the side, indicating the two of them should go up stairs.

Sasuke's chair drew back and he stood from his seat, dropping the napkin in his food. Karin reached out a hand, unsure whether to stop him, but the young man shied away from it. "I'm finished. Get the waiters to clear it away." He strutted off to the back of the tavern without another word. Yokko winked at the others, her gaze dwelling a moment longer on the irritated Karin, before following suit.

Karin sunk in her chair, hair inches above the food left untouched on her plate. "What does she have that I don't?" She sighed.

"Well... She has bigger boobs. A guy will undoubtedly pass you up if he sees a girl with bigger tits."

"Suigetsu!" She screamed at him. An irk forming on her forehead. She looked down and examined herself slightly, but sighed. It was only by a fraction, but nonetheless the other woman's boobs were bigger than her own.

Sasuke followed after the woman, only vaguely taking in the surroundings. "How much longer?" They walked purposefully through the various passages on the second floor of the tavern. Filled with doors and rooms left unattended for the people downstairs. They were alone. Just the two of them and the moonlight which sung through the open windows.

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