1- "holy hell"

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Monday's were the worst.

Everything in the hospital was busy, I had paperwork coming out of the ass.

Everything just made the day suck more and more.

I was currently in my office, filing patients files when I got paged 911 to the ER.

Like normal- I ran to the ER, knowing it was something with a teenager- no more details than that.

I went through the double doors, to the room I was told- when my nurse met me.

"Sixteen year old female rape victim- we aren't sure of any injuries, we have Dr.Stew here because you weren't coming fast enough-" that was enough to piss me off, Dr.Stew was one of the most inconsiderate doctors there was.

He didn't care if it hurt- he didn't care about anything other than getting you out the door.

I flung the door open- seeing a sobbing teenage girl being held down by one of Stew's nurses as he almost yelled about putting an IV in.

"Holy hell" I managed to mumbled before I stepped in.

"Back away- my patient" I spoke firmly.

"I was trying to fucking help you- but she doesn't want anyone to touch-" "thank you, that's enough- you can go." He threw the IV set onto a tray, leaving dramatically.

"Page gynecology" I nodded to a nurse, sighing as I looked to the absolutely terrified girl.

"Okay sweetheart- you're okay" I promised her, moving to her.

"My name is Calum, I'm going to take care of you and take all the pain away" I spoke, scanning over her body- looking for visible injuries.

She had bruises forming over multiple areas of her body.

Her neck, trailing to her chest, her wrists and arms, her jaw was scattered with them.

The blankets covered the rest.

"I'm going to put an IV in right here, it'll just make any pain you're feeling go away, is that okay?" She let out a nod, sniffing her tears away.

To make a terrified teenager not sob from fear- especially after being raped- you have to explain everything, make them feel as if they have a choice in everything we do, whether they do or not.

I easily got the IV in, taping it down and getting her some relief before hooking her up to fluids.

"Okay- what's your name, pretty girl?" I asked, turning my full attention to her, looking into her bright green, bloodshot eyes.

"Payton" she mumbled out.

"Okay Payton, tell me where you feel the most pain" I spoke.

Her hand went straight to her lower stomach.

"Okay- can I touch you?" I asked, seeing her give me a hesitant nod.

"Is it like a sensitive pain or-" "it feels like cramps- but it's not cramps"

I felt so much sympathy for the poor girl.

"Page Dr.Irwin again" I repeated to the nurse, knowing she was going to have to have a pelvic exam.

As my eyes scanned her neck again- she spoke "is it bruised?"

"Pretty bad, sweetheart" I exhaled.

"Should I be bleeding?" I heard her voice crack at the question- and I knew what she meant

"That's normal, sweetheart, but we're going to make sure everything is okay"

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