Paige x Tomiko Winter Collection Pt. 1

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Sorry that I made it depressing again. T~T I promise it gets a happy ending. Please enjoy!

In a neighboring country, much more north from the U.S. lives a dark elf. Dragging her feet along the streets of a small, much less modern town. She shivered her words, and her pointed ears froze a painful white in the heavy snowstorms. Gripped onto her crimson scarf, and a gift bag in the other, the elf entered a heated store. At a table sat a lady much older than the elf, but she smiled brightly at the mythical creature.

"Tomiko..." She smiles back.

"You must be cold..., coming all this way," The businesswoman walked over, tossing her coat over the tall elf. "Just to see me."

The grey-eyed elf chuckles, "My so called house is much colder than this mere snowstorm, besides, I'm a tough kid." She mocked. "I knew I'd find you here, so walking through all that was worth it."

"Don't say that... I'm worried."

With a smug look, she tilted her head at the pianist, "If you're so worried, why don't you bring me home?"

Blushing profusely at Paige's answer, Tomiko looks away in embarrassment. "I-If you propose such an idea, how could I possibly deny?"

"Then, it's decided." Pulling the loving lady closer, the elf held Tomiko under the warmth of her coat. Standing in the middle of the store, they stayed in the position waiting for the snowstorm to pass. The sky continued to grey into a black as street lamps lit up a holiday orange.

"Paige, it's over now," Tomiko smiled.

"Hehe, so I'm assuming you brought your car?"

"Well, of course," She answered reluctantly.

"I'm just playing." Walking out the store, they enter Tomiko's silver, 2015 Corolla. Starting the engine with a twist of a key, and Paige passionately snuggles the passenger seat, "It's so much warmer in here..." She stood like a dog, placing her face in front of the heater, making Tomiko giggle a warming smile. "I'm like a melting hot chocolate right now..."

"Lets check out the music they have," Tomiko pressed on the radio, switching between the rap and holiday channels.

"Oh, this one!" Paige paused Tomiko. "I just want you for my own~ more than you could ever know~"

"You're so cheesy."

"I know. Ahem, make my wish come true~?" She looked over to the eyes of her lover. "All I want for Christmas~ Is you~"

"Mhm, I wonder what you have in that little gift bag."

"Can't tell you, don't wanna ruin the surprise," Paige teased playfully. Tomiko sighed and parked in front of her garage, and exited the car. Unlocking her front door, she gestures Paige to enter. "Thank you for inviting me," The dark elf sincerely thanked.

"I'll get you something to drink, what would you like?"

Opening her mouth for a split second, she rethinks her answer. "Hot chocolate is fine."

"Okay," Tomiko smiles, making the hot cocoa drink, and some warm tea for herself. As the sun lowered into the dark, she sets the mugs down on a table, Tomi greets, "Happy Holidays."

To be continued...
That's the end of this side story! I told you guys it'd have a happy ending T v T The next chapter is released on the 23rd! Also, here's an extra drawing of Paige!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~That's the end of this side story! I told you guys it'd have a happy ending T v T The next chapter is released on the 23rd! Also, here's an extra drawing of Paige!

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