OCs x Reader Finale (Halloween Special)

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The moment everyone has been waiting for, HALLOWEEN FINALE EVERYONEEE!! EnJOY!

"Hey Yuriko... is this a costume party... or a royal ball...?" You questioned.

She chuckled and gave you a joyous smile. "It's a 'bit' more elegant than a normal costume party, but I swear everyone is allowed to have all the fun they want." She assured.

"Good to know."

"Dixie, let's go check out the food they have!" Lexi said, pointing at the train of tables and dishes, pulling Dixia forward.

Everyone was here. The Tanaka, Shiko, Freya, and even Mitsuki, the idol you saw on TV.

Then it struck you. "Hey, Yuriko... did you invite Himitsu?" You worried, if the satanic woman herself was not at a Halloween party, then what would she be doing?

"Himitsu... Ah, yes I did. Has she not arrived yet?"

Just as puzzled as Yuriko, you tried texting the gothic ghost lover.

"Himitsu, where are you?" You texted. No response.

That's when another guest entered... guests... ghost.

"Oh, Himitsu, where were you? I tried to text you– Holy–!" You leaped backwards when you saw who came with the goth.

"I brought along a friend... that I summoned... Her name is Zyra... please get along nicely...." She gestured to the same blindfolded creature that you had encountered earlier on.

It's pale, long fingernails waved at you, sending more then just shivers up your spine.

"H-Hey Himitsu... can we keep... your friend... outside...?" You stuttered. She only stared at you, blankly. "S-So... is there at least restrains... on this... thing...?" You panicked even more when Zyra started hissing at you. "Please don't take my eyes...!" You blurted out.

"Zyra... hush...!" Himitsu silenced the creature. "Don't worry Y/N... She... is a harmless... lovely... and she is no thing..."

"Ha... ha... are we talking about the same creature that tried to kill Lexi and I earlier?" You chuckled nervously.

Just then, Zyra started to sing a hypnotizing tune. "I swear I heard this before... wait, Zyra?! The Zyra?!"

Himitsu nodded, pulling out a knife to silence the creature. "Zyra will obey as long as I wield a knife..." She assured you.

"Ok, good to know, g-good..."

"Everyone, picture time!!" Yuriko announced with a microphone. "Gather up to that side of the room everyone." She pointed out. At the end of the room, it was decorated with spiderwebs, white pumpkins, and hanging skeletons.

"Those weren't there before." Lani stated.

"That's because I just made the webs," Lexi smiled as an arachnid crawled up her shoulder.

"Lexi, you know I don't like bugs!" Yumi squealed.

"I'm sorry." She apologized with the spider in her hand.

You chuckled and walked over to the backside of the room along with everyone else. Without saying, it was crowded, the camera was placed almost 30 feet away.

"Lucca, you're the cameraman." Kikyo demanded.

"Alright, darling." He whimpered upsettingly, getting behind the camera. "Say 'Happy Halloween' everyone!" Luciano cheered behind the lenses.

"Happy Halloween!!"

The end...
Ahhh, so cute. Hope everyone enjoyed my Halloween Special!

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