Lemi/Lolli Story 🖤 Pt. 1

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Is it bad that I actually cried a bit on this? It's just so saddening... By the way, authors note, creating this myself is already making me go confused and insane. Also, this is an AU, Alternative Universe, because I would never let Yumi and Lani die. Please don't read if you can't take a lot of waking up, flashbacks, and black outs. Reader's view advised, thank you.

Lemi, wide awake in a place that she once called home... now burnt to ashes with only a few pieces left... flipping in all directions, she tried, but she would never sleep after what happened that day.

1 month ago

"Welcome back Lolli!" Lemi greeted with a big smile. It was Lolli's birthday, and her's too. All the AI dragon children had the same birthday, except Junko that is.

"I still don't get it." Lolli said, scratching her head. "How come Junko gets to be hatched 1 day before us, and even be an year older?"

Lemi laughed it off. "Ask our parents." Lolli looked down at the floor... "L-Lemi, why did they have to leave us?" Lemi had nothing to say, she missed them as well. Lolli only teared up even more, it was like this every birthday after Lani and Yumi... passed away....

As the older sister, she could never see Lolli hurt like this. Even if they're just AI that hacked out of the system and now lives in the real world, they learned to live like a normal human, not saying their childhood was any normal... So to cheer her up, Lemi walked towards Lolli with a hug. "I'm sorry for mentioning about them, I just can't stop thinking about them."

Lolli nodded and asked if they could celebrate their birthdays.


It turns night

"Hey... Lemi.. remember Yumi always kissing us on the forehead before we went to bed?"

"Yeah...." "Well.... can you give me one?" Lemi sighed and kissed her good night, she fell asleep almost instantly.

Lemi couldn't sleep however. The nightmares always keeps her awake, to the point... she's scared of her birthdays. She usually stays up for about a week after her birthday before her nightmares turn back to memories. It's just been so long...

The next morning

"Lemiii. Lemiiiiiiii." The voice was so faint... Lemi couldn't tell if it was a dream or a– she wakes up gasping for air. That definitely wasn't a dream, or a nightmare, it was a wake up call. Why? Where's Lolli?

She runs downstairs searching through every crevasse, the house isn't that big either, where could she be? Something's off... the– vision...?

After the blackout

"Awake.... She's awake." Lemi's still half asleep, but that's not Lolli's voice. That's not her voice at all. "That's not her voice!" She shot up, looking around for Lolli, but... she was at a hospital. "WHERE'S LOLLI?!" Scared, feared for her life, going on rampage didn't help though, a bunch of others just help her down and injected a drug in her. "No... Not... Now..... Lolli.........."

The fear
The gunshots
The sound of crackling flames

To be continued...
This one was intense T - T These stories are just to heartbreaking to me to make the entire thing at once. I'm sorry, part 2 will be coming soon.

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