Homo x Reader

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Homo? HOMO?! Nah, nah, no homo. Homo is one of my newest OCs, also Minty's cousin!! *Reader panick-mode* I SWEAR HOMO IS A WAY BETTER PERSON THAN MINTY. NO WORRIES, HE'S AN ASEXUAL STRAIGHT NARWHAL SHAPESHIFTER, AND HE LOVES LOLITA AND PASTELS, SO HE WONT RAPE ANYONE *cough* Unlike his cousin. eNJOY!

"Minty, what are you doing?" The young narwhal questioned his cousin's doings.

"I'm disposing of a body." Minty replied emotionless.

He frowned in disappointed. "Minty, how could you? What about her children?" He worried.

"Oh, speaking about children, meet Y/N! She witnessed the entire murder so she won't react to anything I do, it's no fun I tell you! Besides, she doesn't suit my likings, you can take her." She explained.

You stood frozen as you continued to watch Minty drag the corpse of your mother.

"Minty, that's horrible." Homo walked over to you and took out a wet wipe. "You even splattered the blood on the child." He cleaned the stains on your face.

"I'm telling you, Homo, I don't care about the kid. There's no point in even raping her, she won't scream."

"No rape! Didn't I tell you that before?!" Homo scolded at his disgusting cousin. "Bad Minty!"

"Whatever!" She dragged the body outside and slammed the door close behind her.

Homo then knelt down to your height and looked at you with a smile. "She's horrible, isn't she?" You nodded. "It's ok, just stay away from her. Always come to me for help, ok?" He assured. You nodded once more. "Anyways... your clothes... would you like to try out Lolita?"

"What is that?"

"Lolita is a fashion, or clothing style. It's usually associated with pastels, and... poofy dresses! Like the one I'm wearing right now." He pointed at his ruffled outfit.

You couldn't understand completely, but it sounded fun, so you smiled and answered with, "Yes!"


- timeskip -

"Here is my bedroom, you can sleep in my bed until I figure something out, and your Lolita dress... hmm..." He opened his wardrobe and searched for one that would fit you. "This!" He pulled out a pink-blue pastel dress, with light yellow ruffles. "Looks like cotton candy, doesn't it?" Said Homo, smiling brightly.

You nodded with excitement, and put it on in the bloodied restroom.

You walked out with the dress, and asked, "How does it look?"

"Cute!" He replied. "Speaking of cotton candy, there's a carnival just a couple streets down tonight, wanna come?"


- timeskip -

You happily tossed small circular rings towards the glass bottles, even if you didn't make any scores. Meanwhile Homo got the biggest, softest, caramel teddy as a prize, from playing a dart game.

"Here you go!" He said cheerfully while handing the teddy to you. You brightly smiled back at Homo.

Looking at the cotton candy stand, you pointed at it, jumping to show Homo.

"Here you go." He held out 3 dollars. You grabbed it without hesitation and bought it under his supervision.

"This is good!" You said muffled under the cotton candy.

He gently patted you. "Glad to hear."

"..." The short figure stood in the shadows. "Homo! Y/N!"


You stood frozen again. "H-Homo... why is she here...?"

"Y/N, come with me." He whispered to you. Minty suddenly started charging at the two of you, terrifying you even more.

Homo scooped you up and tried to outrun his devilish cousin, but was proven ineffective. The both of them fought for you, until you decided to kick Minty, and ran.

After that, you lived in Homo's pastel apartment, and he raised you until you were able to be independent.

The end...
That was a horrible ending but here you go.

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