Kikyo x Reader 🔪 Pt. 2

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Alright, let's continue this, because I really like this one.

You ran for your life from whatever was lurking in your house. "Knife, knife, knife." You repeated to yourself while searching for a knife. For some reason, there was no knife. The house probably had about 30 of them, there's no way they would be all gone. You turned around, and there she was, awaiting you with a crooked smile while tiling her head. Those blue eyes, long hair, it was definitely her, Kikyo.

She slowly walked towards you, so you thought it was your chance to run. You ran for it, but it provoked her, she caught up with you instantly. The floor was cold, but you were being held to the ground. "Good night, darling...." You felt a sharp pain in your back before blacking out.

You woke up to cold water droplets. It came from the ceiling, so you looked up. There was leaking pipes, you were about to look around the room, but you were completely tied to a wooden chair. You stopped struggling and acted to still be unconscious when you heard her voice.

"I see you're already awake." You twitched and quivered when you heard a knife being scraped on the concrete walls. The sound got closer, and closer. You opened your eyes just to see her a few inches away from you, you tried to kick her, but your legs were tied as well.

She chuckled... "Don't struggle, those ropes don't break as easily as normal ones." What did she mean? Whatever, you just kept trying to break free.

"Say say... do you love me back?" You couldn't speak, couldn't explain. You're mouth was taped. "Of course you do, I saw you blushing the other time in the hallway." Yes, indeed, but this wasn't the Kikyo you loved. "Is it because you liked the other me better?" You nodded. "Too bad, I don't get so cutesy around most people. It's called an act, or a persona. I do have 3 other sides that are completely real though. This side, my extremely drunk side... and a badass side, but my blood-lust side is really unique, don't you think?"

You didn't want to provoke her, so you nodded. She ripped off the tape of your mouth, you could finally breath normally without accidentally licking it. Before you could talk, you felt her lips on yours. You were in total shock, but you liked it...
She was about to do something more, but had a change of mind.

You were knocked out by another one of her injections. You woke up on your bed, so was it all just a dream? But to see your mom sitting at your bed side with a worried expression, you weren't sure what to think of it. "Y/N!" Your little sibling shouted, greeting you with a big hug. "What... what happened...?"

"You we're unconscious for two weeks, big brother!" You could see tears streaming down his/her face.

"Unconscious...." Then you started remembering what happened before you were unconscious. Kikyo knocked you out. You could still feel the pain as you scratched your head. "I'm fine now." You explained, your family still gave you a worried look, but said "Ok" anyways.

So what now? Go to school forgetting everything that happened? So you did, but Kikyo didn't seem to show up. Not for the rest of the school days. It was said she moved, and was transferred to another school. You were happy that a psycho didn't go to the same school as you anymore, but you kinda missed her... Maybe you'll meet up again in the future, just maybe though.....

The end...
THAT. Was the end, hope you enjoyed it. :p

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