Yandere Kikyo x Luciano 🔪🖤

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My life is complete after this. This is an AU btw because ;u; Kikyo will never admit her love...Maybe though... Also, Yuriko (fake name)=Yuri (real name) Kikyo (fake name)=Kyoko (real name) Luciano (alternative/preferred name)=Lucca Pisano (full name)

"Kyoko!" Yuri shouted over as she approached her adoptive little sister.


"Who else?" They chuckled.

"So what is it, Yuriko?"

"I realized you've been really upset lately, what's the matter?" She questioned.


"Don't 'nothing' me."

"It's just that Luciano's been bothering me a lot recently."

"Seriously?! That's so unfair, how come he only notices you?"

Kyoko lets out a sigh. "I don't know, but he's truly bothersome. And if someone would take my place, I'd gladly take the offer."

"You do realize like 99% of our female classmates– no, the entire school, would love to, right?"

"You don't get it..." She looked down.


After class

Under a certain sakura tree is Kyoko's favorite spot during lunch or breaks. It was peaceful, and the breezing wind during the spring was refreshing.

"Mind if I sit here?"

"I very much do."

"Isn't that a bit harsh? Here." He handed a bento over to Kikyo.

"I didn't ask for this, Luciano."

"Won't you at least try it?"

"... I appreciate that you put so much effort into these, but I simply decline–" Opening the box revealed a beautifully made bento.

"Just one taste."

"... Fine..."

After giving it a try, there was a moment of silence.


"I'll leave now, if you like."

Putting the box lid back on, she tightly holds it in her hands. "Stay for a bit longer... the weather is beautiful today..."

After school

"Hey!! Kyoko!!"

"Yurik–!" Unable to finish her word before Yuri runs towards her with a hug.

"Kyoko, my dear little sister!" She held her tightly.

"Yuriko, stop, it's embarrassing..."

Yuri let go and gave a smile before realizing something.

"Huh? Uh?! EH?! Why is Luciano with you?!"

"He's been here the whole time..."

"Well yeah, but– wait, why is he with you is what I meant!"

"Because... reasons." Said Kyoko, looking away to hide her blush.

"I see what's going on... Let's head on home though, Kyu and Marina must be waiting for us to feed them."


"This is where I part. Bye Yuri. Bye Kyoko." He waves before walking the opposite side.

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