Chapter 4: A certain nun from the Anglican Church, Index

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Touma's POV

I return to my dorm after escaping the security robots with Biribiri and when i was going to enter my dorm i saw cleaning robot around a girl and i decide to check it out, however the girl appear to be the nun i have meet this morning.

How did i meet her ? is simple well to explain that let's go back in time.


After my fight against Biribiri and the fact that her lightning provoke a massive blackout in the entire city, several bad things happen to me, first i walk in my credit card while i was searching my wallet, second the foods who was in the fridge got destroy and i have to throw them away and third i got a call from my teach saying "Kamijou-chan you need supplementary class because you are an idiot"

Touma: Fukou da.

After that i start to take my futon and take them outside for make them to dry and that's when i meet that girl.

Touma: alright, today it's sunny, so i'm gonna change my ideas by drying my futon, the sky is blue but my futur is so dark, i hope it's not going to rain.

When i look at the balcony that where i saw the girl, at first i though i have put another futon to dry but that's when i realize that it isn't the case.

Touma: huh ! i have put one here already, eh !

By the look of her clothes this girl seems to be a nun from a church, but the question is what is she doing here on my balcony ? that's when she wake up.

Touma: a girl ! why she is suspended in a place like that ? she is foreign.

???: i'm.... i'm hungry

Touma: eh ? hello ?

???: i'm hungry.

Touma: she's speak Japanese !

???: i didn't stop telling you that's i'm hungry.

Touma: are you trying to say that under these circonstances you are dying and in the street ?

???: we can also said "dead", i will ba glad if you can help me by giving me food.

Touma: okay then come on.

The girl and i eat each other until her estomac was full and she tell me who she is and what she is at the same time which was a little confuse for me.

Touma: by the way tell me why did you fall on my balcony ?

???: that wasn't my intention, originally i was planned to jump roof from roof because i'm getting chased.

Touma: i see.

??? by the way, i forgot to introduce myself, my name is Index.

Touma: Index ? like Index from a book ?

Index: yeah or like "Index of the forbidden text" if you want, my magic name is dedicatus545 which mean "The dedicated lamb protects the knowledge of the strong".

Touma: and why you are chased down ?

Index: it's because of the 103 000 grimoires i have memorized in my head, that's what they are after.

Touma: you memorize 103 000 grimoire is this some kind of joke ?

Index: no it's truth, i hold the 103 000 grimoires inside my head but due to their poisonous nature a normal human can be hurt, i'm the only one who can resist their poisonous nature.

Touma: i see and what they are ?

Index: they are book of magic.

Touma: Magic....

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