Too easy...

Putting on your best Italian accent, you shout, "Mama mia! Breakfast is served,"

The brunette chuckles and walks into the kitchen, sitting on the stool, "Thank you, chef [Y/N]-chan."

Flipping your [H/L] [H/C] to your back, you reply in your accent, "No problemo, mi amore."

"Even though your accent is TERRIBLE, you're so hot with it," He smirks, gazing up at you as he begins to cut his food.

A blush spreads on your cheeks as you stutter, "Sh-shut up."

"Never..." Light chuckles, kissing your cheek.

"That's my line!" You playfully scowl, poking his nose.


"Hey [Y/N]-chan!" Your best friend, Kiyemi, exclaims. In a single moment, she pulls you into a bone-crushing hug, causing pained gasps to escape your lips.

"K-Kiy-chan! L-let me g-o!" Struggling to breath, you choke out.

She chuckles nervously, pulling away and scratching the back of her head making her dyed-pink locks wiggle, "Uhh, sorry about that... Anyways, how was your weekend?!"

Shrugging, you reply, "The usual. Yours?"

"Same here- I was soooo bored! I met a cute guy though." And of course, you could see the excitement in her brown eyes and the inevitable earful you were about to receive about this guy.

"Ohh, jeez..."

All of a sudden, a pair of arms pick you up, spinning you around. A small squeal of shock escapes your lips, causing Kiyemi and the assailant to chuckle. Gently, you were placed down to become face-to-face with the other one of your best friends known as Kiba. He clutches his stomach, causing his auburn hair to shake as he laughs, eyes scrunched and bent over.

"Kiba-kun! You ass- you scared the hell out of me!" You pout.

He opens his green eyes and smirks, "Awwe, who's a little scardy caaaat..."

"Shut up, dipshit!"

"Guy, guys... We can all be cool here." Kiyemi giggles before turning to you, "Anyways... His name was Ryuzaki-kun. I met him when I was picking up some sweets for your birth-"

At that moment, Kiba slaps her mouth shut and laughs nervously, "For her fat-ass-self... Heh-heh... Heh..."

"O-kay..." Raising an eyebrow, you gaze at the now seemingly angry girl.


And with that, now you slap her mouth shut, "Kiy-chan, you're in class... Keep the volume down, would you?"

She huffs in defeat, mumbling some words into your hand you were sure were bloody murder. When she seemed done, you released your grip and the teacher walks in.

"Good morning, class. Today, we will be looking at... Blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah."

Zoning out, you gaze out of the window. The winters sky looked snow white, as if the fluffy substance itself could rain down at any moment. The streets outside were only moderately busy with people going on with their lives.

Just think... Anyone there could be Kira- a dangerous murderer. I mean no offence to the guy or girl but you can't solve crime with crime, that goes against exactly what you're doing... Ehh, what do I know anyways, I'm not even keeping track on the case really.

"[L/N]-san! Are you even paying attention?!" Your teacher, Arita-sensei, yells at you.

Sighing, you gaze at him and nod, "Yes, sensei."

Death Note: The Raven [Reader x L Lawliet]Where stories live. Discover now