Chapter Sixteen

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A/N: I'm sick, so I'm sorry if it sucks and if it's really short. Hey, look though, new chapter xD

We're starting to come towards the better parts, trust me. Ya might need some tissues, if my writing makes you cry (it apparently does make some of you cry, idfk xD), or you might need something to suppress your fangirl squeals, depending on which ending I choose.

Anyways, enjoy!


"But it's so booooriiiiiiing..." Kiba groans.

You smile and chuckle, "School is boring... Are you only just figuring that out?"

"Maybe," He laughs and lays on his back. Slowly, his face grew solemn, "Our exams are soon... There's not long left of school."

Sadly, you nod, "I'm afraid so... It'll be strange not seeing your face every morning, nor Light-kun's big head, nor Kiy-chan's cotton-candy hair..."

Silence filled the air, before Kiba spoke up, "I'm moving to Australia after the exams for university."

Your [E/C] orbs gaze up and at him, "You're leaving?"

He nods, "Me, my mother and father. I won't be coming back for some years... I have to start thinking about my future."

Understanding, you smile softly, "I'll miss you... You're my best friend."

"I'll miss you too..." Sitting up, he hugs you tight. "What are you doing for university?"

Quite honestly, you'd never thought about it... What were you going to do?

"I... I don't know," You say quietly.

Kiba looks down at you, "Don't ruin your future... And don't let anything hold you back, or you'll regret it."

Nodding, you stand, "You're right... I'm going to go apply for some universities."

"That's right, you do that!" Proud, he grins as you walk off.

University... Which one? My future will be shaped by it, I need to choose wisely. I could go to the University of Tokyo, or Kyoto University, or Osaka University... Perhaps Kanto University. There's so many choices, but which one is for me...?

Sitting down in the computer lab, I begin researching Universities. My grades are straight A's and A*'s, so I have a good start at which I can attend... It's so hard to choose!

"Hello," My teacher sits down next to me. "I see you're preparing for your future?"

Smiling, you nod, "Yeah... I'm not sure which to choose."

He nods and gazes at what you're looking at, "Planning on staying in Japan?"

"Yessir. I have so many ties here, I couldn't just leave," You shake your head.

Staying silent, he nods, before he asks, "You mean Ryuzaki-san, don't you?" Gently, he raises his tea cup and has a drink, before continuing, "This may not be what you wish to hear, but I was informed he is leaving after the exams, back home to England."

Wait... Lawliet's going back? And he never told me about it? Of course he's leaving... He has a job, baka. L, the world's famous detective... The number one detective. What, did I think he was going to give up his job for me? Never would I expect him to do that... Never.

"No, I have other ties... Those that I remain to call family are still here," You smile and nod.

The Yagamis, Kiyemi and her family, father...

"As long as you are happy... Although I do have some contacts, and I would have hoped to help you get here," He typed into the computer, and left.

Was that... Really an option? To leave Japan, get a better education somewhere else? What about them? L, the Yagamis, Kiyemi and her family, father... Those I hold dear.

No. No, I'll have to discuss with L his plans. If he's going back to England... Would I be able to go with him?

Would he want me to?

Do I want to?

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