Chapter Twenty

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"That. Sucked," With a frown, Kiba folds his arms and walk out.

"Tell me about it..." Kiyemi folds her arms behind her head and sighs, "I failed."

"I'm sure we all did fine," Light chuckles and shrugs. "We all revised, right?"

With that comment, Kiba gulps, "S-suuure..."

"Kiba..." Amused, you smirk, "You DID revise, didn't you?"

"O-OF COURSE!" Nervously, he looks away from you, "I'm no baka..." He then blinks, before he sighs and smiles slightly, "So, um... I'm leaving tomorrow. What do we all say to a nice meal, my treat?"

"Wouldn't miss it," Kiyemi smiles sadly. "I'm gunna miss our fighting, baka."

"I can't believe you're leaving me behind... We've been best friends forever!" You fold your arms and pout, "Who am I gunna pull pranks with? Or be able to call at midnight to be able to talk about the latest manga sale?!"

Kiba chuckles and glances at Lawliet, "I can think of a certain Brit."

"Perhaps so," Lawliet chuckles and snakes his arm around you. "But I should really pass, I have work to do."

"Ohh c'mon, Ryu~!" Playfully, you pout. "Kiba-kun's leaving; we can have a day off!"

"Perhaps so..." With a sigh, the detective nods, "I'll call Tanaka-san (Watari's secondary alias, like Lawliet has for L; Ryuzaki, Ryuga, etc) and let him know."

"Yey! Where to, chief?" Kiyemi giggles and looks at Kiba.

The artistic boy thought for some moments, pondering the answer to the hardest question to ask a teenage boy: What to eat, and where? It is especially hard for Kiba, since he is passionate about food.

Eventually, we all decided on Nandos.

It was weird to think... Kiba was leaving to an entirely new country filled with a vast range of opportunites. Though, he was going to be specialising in computer science. He loves computers. Always has, always will.

Kiba and you had met in primary/preschool. Even back then, he was weird and wonderful. One thing he always was, despite that, was popular. Both with the males, and females. Though, in different ways... In most cases, anyways.

Strangely, he was your first friend when you moved to Japan. You see, at a young age, you visited Japan with your parents, and lived there for a year or so. During that time, you met Kiba and, when it was time to leave back to England, kept in touch.

When Lawliet kissed another girl, he was the first to be there for you. On Skype that same night, he bought you a ticket to come up and see him, and, well... You never left- his family treat you as his own and let you stay until you had a place. You would never be able to repay their kindness.

Strange, one simple encounter can change everything so... Dramatically.

The time you met Light, for example.

It was raining heavily, and you had forgotten an umbrella. Pretty dumb in Japan, but you had. It was around five in the afternoon, and you were walking home.

It was dark, and the rain was unending. Already, you could feel the inevitable cold begin to stir within you...

Then, the rain stopped.

Or, more accurately, you were covered overhead with an umbrella. In confusion, you glance up. There was a boy with caramel hair, and deep chocolate eyes. Handsome- very handsome- and smiling widely.

Death Note: The Raven [Reader x L Lawliet]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin