Chapter Twenty-Four.

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A/N: So. Two more chapters, and I shall be turning this into two books :3
Things will certainly get... Interesting

With a sigh, you drop the bags on the floor. Sore, you put your hand on your hips and thrust your hips forward, trying to stretch your back, "Jeez, I don't think I've ever shopped so hard."

Kiyemi walks in behind you and does the same, "I know, isn't it great?!" She giggled uncontrollably, and puts her bags on the other side of the vast hallway.

Then, Kiba came in behind you both with a single bag, "This is why I swore I'd never shop with Kiyemi..."

"Every. Store," You smirk at the boy. Simply, you had bought a lot of anime and band merch from a store they had here in America, where as Kiyemi bought basically the entire 'mall' as they call it.

"I hate girls," He mutters to himself, and goes into the livingroom. All he did was flop onto the couch and turn on the TV.

Happy, you skip in after him and sit on his stomach, "Free!"

"No!" Kiyemi follows in after you, "My Little Monster!"



Kiba sighs, "That's confusing..."

Both you and Kiyemi giggle at him, as she sits on a chair. Remaining silent, you watch as he flicks through the channels, before pulling out your phone. Slowly, your eyes widen.


"Guys, look," Confused, you say in a panic. Apparently, a truck had set on fire, and someone had been sho--- MATT?!

'Unidentifiable male drove through the streets of Tokyo, terrorising citizens.'

And by the picture... It was certainly Matt.

"No..." A tear slides down your cheek as you look away.

In confusion, Kiba sits up and hugs you, "Do you know him?"

"He's... He's Ryuzaki's brother," Through your tears, you mumble. In a way, they were. Matt; Mello; Near and Law were in a sense brothers, with Watari as the father- the one who ran the adoption agency, and the one who took them in.

Sadly, Kiyemi rubs your back, "I'm so sorry, [Y/N]..."

For a moment, Kiba frowns, before he hands you the house phone, "Here, go call him. He'll need you."

As quickly as you could, you nodded and took the phone, heading into the hallway. First, you call Ryuzaki's number...


"Huh..?" Confused, you figure he was with Watari, so call his phone.

Voice mail.

Light: nothing.

Matsuda: silence.

The office building: zero.

Slowly, your eyes look down at the floor as you clutch the phone to your chest. Something wasn't right, something had happened. Was this Kira's doing..? And if so, how did he find out Matt's real name? The only one who knew his name was-- Mello!

Ring, ring... Ring--

'This person's phone has been disconnected.'


Near: Voice mail.

Desperation floods through you as you drop the phone, and lean against the wall. Slowly, you slide down it and clutch your knees to your chest, holding in your tears.

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