Chapter Thirteen.

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[Warning: Emotional and, yes, a rather sexual scene. As in, most dirtiest thing I've ever written... But you've all saw the worst I've written in, like, chapter two xD Anyways, enjoy...

I'm gunna regret this xD]

After L had paid for the bail, after your constant refusal, both of you awaited in the main room.

"Are you alright?" L suddenly asked, taking your hand in his.

You nod, "I'm fine, thanks." Gently, you squeeze his.

"[Y/N]," Soichiro smiles worriedly as he walks over. "You can leave, of you wish. Nothing says you have to stay."

"...He's my father. I want to know who he is," Quietly, you reply.

He nods, before Matsuda left to go collect him. It was a fee moments later he returned with a man.

[N/H/C] hair was swept left, going to around chin-length. Those familiar [E/C] eyes stared at you as he was lead towards you, and you stared back. Though his figure was tall and muscly, he was just as you remembered him to be...

The handcuffs were taken off of him as he took in your appearance, and you his.

Upon his form was a grey shirt and blue jeans, as well as a black jacket. Kind of stylish, but he always was.

"[Y/N]..?" The man asked quietly in a deep, grainy voice.

Slowly, you nodded, "Yes."

He almost froze, seemingly confused, "Why... Did you come?"

"You're my father, despite you never acting like it," You almost snapped.

L clears his throat, "Mr. [L/N]-"

"Call me Jonas, kid."

"Right... Jonas, may I ask why you ended up on parole?"

"Ohh. Well, I assaulted a man."

"And you-"

"Nearly to death."

Both you and L went silent. It was worse than you thought- he was almost a murderer?! You figured he probably got caught with drugs from that rock-star lifestyle he left to obtain, or criminal damage or something... Not that.

"What'a your name, boy?" Jonas asks, staring at L.

"Ryuzaki," He simply replied.

The man raises an eyebrow at him, "Now, tell me Ryuzaki... Are you my daughter's boyfriend?"

L froze, "I-I, uhh..."

"Yes. He is. What is it to you?" You interrupted.

"[Y/N], I'm-"

"What? You needed someone to pay bail and now you're suddenly father of the year?! Ryuzaki paid since mother killed herself when I was thirteen! But you wouldn't know anything about that, would you?" Snarling, you grab Lawliet's hand before turning and walking out. The air suddenly was cold as you walked towards Watari's awaiting car, and L followed in silence.

A hand grabbed your spare one, causing you to turn to look at them.

"It's a long story... Please, at least give me a chance to explain?" Almost begging, Jonas asks of you.

After staring at him for about five minutes, you slowly took your hand back and mumble, "One coffee."

"Alright, my treat. I invite your boyfriend too, if you like," Slightly at ease, he says.

Lawliet nods, gripping your hand, "Alright, thank you."

"Lead the way, kid," Jonas gestures. Lawliet nods and starts leading you both towards the nearest Starbucks.

Death Note: The Raven [Reader x L Lawliet]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora