Chapter 24- Played

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(The Reckoning- Halestorm)

Raegan's POV

We sat on the bed and stared at each other for what seemed like hours but in reality was only maybe five minutes. Both of us were unsure on what to do. Do we end the marriage by getting it an annulment or make it work? That was the question neither one of us wanted to make.

"Ideally, an annulment would make sense. We were drunk and not thinking clearly." Ashton finally said. "But on the other hand, we both admitted we have feelings for each other. We could make it work."

"Marriage is a commitment and we basically went head first into it. Are you ready for serious commitment with someone you really don't know. Let's face it, Ash." I tried explaining it from the logical side of it. "We don't know each other that well. Having feelings for someone can only get you so far. What if down the road you realize that I'm a horrible person and you don't want to be with me? Then we're stuck getting a divorce in the public eye. Would you rather get the annulment and then see where things take us?"

"I see where you're coming from, I really do. You're coming from the sensible and logical side. I'm coming from the spontaneous and adventure side. Could you imagine the story we could have. How fun would it be to tell our story to our kids one day." Ashton smiled and seemed excited. I was however very hesitant.

"Assuming I want children." I responded harshly trying to prove a point. "Maybe I don't want kids."

"Oh," Ashton's face fell into look of disappointment. "Well do you?"

"Yes, I do. I'm just trying to get you to see things."

"I see things fine, Raegan. Yes, I get that it would be crazy, but maybe I have a good feeling about us. We could make it work."

"It's going to take a lot of work. I'm about to start med school in the summer. I'm stuck here until I complete the program and clinical rotations, while you're out there traveling the world. Would it be fair to each other to be spending so much time apart?"

Ashton went silent as he thought about the conversation. I let it brew around in my mind until I came to a decision that I could really use some advice. I no longer had any friends I felt like I could trust, seeing how Hailey had stabbed me in the back. The only person I felt like I could trust with this information was my mother.

I scooted off the bed and onto my feet. Ashton looked alarmed as I sought out my bag of clothes and slipped on one of the pair of jeans I had bought. "I'm going to run a few errands." I informed him to ease his concerned expression as I slide my shoes on. "I'm going to my dorm for some things and then a trip to my parent's."

"Will you be back?" He asked and I nodded. "I don't know if you should go back to your dorm just yet. What if Hailey's there?"

"I'll be good." I assured him wondering if in fact I had to face her, would I indeed be good. "I just need away for a moment to think about everything." I crossed back over to the bed, giving Ashton a hug before leaving the room.

I arrived down in the lobby of the hotel to find Landon waiting. Apparently Ashton had called him not a moment sooner after I had closed the door to the suite and asked him to take me where I needed to go and to watch over me. I insisted that I could handle it on my own, but I was overruled because of last night's events.

"I had the night off unfortunately or I probably would intervene and none of this would of happened." Landon said after I took to the passenger seat and he had started driving in the direction of my dorm. "I feel somewhat responsible because I wasn't there and I'm supposed to watch over everyone."

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