Chapter 11- Wasted

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Hadley came and gave us at least three more rounds of drinks before I realized the time. The bar would be closing soon and I had a very drunk Raegan sitting across from me in our booth. I was amazed by how relax she was now, compared to the other few times I was around her. She was no longer tense and nervous like, but full of laugher and smiles.

"My dad is my rock and motivation." She explained to me. "He's the one person I know I can always count on no matter what. I'd be lost without him."

"It's always good to have kind of person in your life." I said reflecting on my own home situation. "My mom is that person for me since my dad left."

"Aw," She said reaching out across the table and taking my hand in hers. Her touch was soft as she gently tightened her grip. "I'm sorry, Ash."

"It's fine. I've come to terms with it and it doesn't bother me like it used to." I explained with a smile.

She looked down at her hand in my and quickly withdrew it as if she didn't realize what she was doing. "I think I might be a little drunk." She said glancing over at the three empty drinks beside her. "Are you?"

"I have a good buzz going on, but I wouldn't say I was drunk." I answered watching her pull out her phone.

"It's nearly 1:30am." Her eyes widen with shock. "No wonder Hailey is freaking out."

"We should probably get you back to the dorm." I said sliding out of the booth before laying down a enough money to cover our tab.

"Let me pay for some of it." Raegan said pulling out her own wallet but I shook my head.

"Tonight is on me." I offered my hand to help her out of the booth which she accepted.

"This looks so bad." Raegan laughed scooting out of the booth and coming to her unsteady balance. I placed my hand on her waist to her steady her.

"Just focus on the ground in front of you. We just got to make it to the elevator and I can carry you." I said still holding her up. We were having such a wonderful time I guess I didn't realize how far gone she was and I didn't think she knew either. "Well go up to the room and then we'll get Landon to take you home."

"You don't need to carry me. That's so silly." She said with a wobble.

We slowly made it out of the bar and to the elevator. Once inside the elevator, I let her loose. "You sure you don't want a piggy back ride?" I asked her as the elevator started moving. She wobbled and threw her hands on the bar beside her.

"I think I'm okay now." She said as we stopped with a jolt.

I put my arm back around her waist to help steady her as doors opened up and allowed us to walk into the hallway to the suite. I slipped in my key card and swung the door open. The eyes of my friends shot to the door startled by Raegan and I's sudden entry.

The eyed us and then Michael busted out in laughter. "She got her wasted. Good going, mate."

"She doesn't normally drink, Michael. It wasn't intentional and I didn't really know the extent of it until we tried walking." I looked to Raegan who smiled and waved at my friends.

"We had a really good time. You should join us next time." She said looking over to me to if it would be okay.

"Oh," Luke said in surprising tone. "You hear that, Calum? We've been invited to their next hangout time."

"Yes, Luke. I do hear that. I think we should accept this invite." Calum sent me a wink knowing all this was annoying me.

"Where is Landon? I need him to take us to her dorm." I asked them and they began smirking. Luckily Raegan was oblivious to it.

"I heard my name?" Landon said appearing from the direction of the bathroom.

"Can we take Raegan back to her dorm?" I asked me and he smiled happily that I asked rather than slipped out and took care of it myself.

"Sure, let me just get the keys." Landon disappeared out the door and returned shortly dangling his keys. "Let's go."

I helped Raegan back out of the suite, into the hallway and then into the elevator. Landon gave me the 'are you serious' look after finally noticing Raegan was really drunk. They all act like I did this on purpose, which I didn't and never would do that to someone.

At some point during the ride Raegan fell asleep, her head pressed against the glass of the window, and lite snores escaped her. I quietly laugh to myself as I watched her for a moment. She looked peaceful and I wondered what she could be dreaming about, if she was dreaming at all.

"Can we get closer to her dorm?" Landon asked as we pulled into the University. 

"Yeah, just head towards the back." I instructed turning back to Raegan. I gently tapped her shoulder. "Hey were here."

Her eyes opened and she looked around. "Sorry." She mumbled as we finally made it to the back and in a parking space.

I hopped out of my seat after opening the door and quickly ran around the other side and opened Raegan's door. I helped her out as she groaned and mumbled some inaudible words. We walked the remaining distance to her dorm slowly and eventually made it to the door. She dug out her keys and fumbled with getting them in the lock when the door swung open.

"There you are." Hailey said letting us inside. "You could have responded,  you know."

"We we're having a really good time. I'm sorry." Raegan apologized to her worries friend as she crosses the room and falls on her bed. Hailey and I stood there and watched as Raegan immediately fell back asleep.

"She's drunk?" Hailey turned to me with one raised brow. "How the hell did that happen? How did any of this happen, actually?" She questioned me. "Did you talk her into it?"

"Surprisingly," I said thinking over Raegan and I's evening. "It was all her idea, though her being this drunk wasn't the plan. She just showed up our are hotel and said she wanted to hang out. I honestly didn't think she was ever going to call me."

"From the impression I got before I went out tonight, I didn't think she was going to either."

We dropped our voices as we continued talking.

"Landon's outside waiting, I really should get back to the room. We leave late afternoon." I said as I started towards the door.

"Thanks, Ashton." Hailey said as I opened the door to leave. "For taking care of her and getting her back safely tonight."

"It was fun and I'm hoping it happens again when I get back in a few weeks." I smiled before shutting the door and making my way back to car.

A/N: If you vote and comment I'll pick someone to dedicate the chapter to :)

Swimming Lessons | AIOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora