Chapter 12

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Raegan's POV

The last two weeks have flown by faster than a child on their way to a candy store. It was filled with tests, lots of studying, and few text messages from Ashton. Summer classes were nearly finished and soon I'd be able to enjoy the few weeks of freedom before the chaos of the fall term. Until then, I keep on my normal schedule of studying and keeping to myself.

I was in my normal spot of sitting at my desk, books open, notes neatly scattered, and a cup of hot tea not far from reach. I could hear Hailey in the background talking on the phone, but my headphones drowned out most of her conversation with New Hot Music station on my Apple Music. The song playing was something that I hadn't heard before and just as I was getting into it, I felt my ear pieces being ripped from my ear. I turned around, slightly annoyed to see Hailey with her hands on her hips in a lavender two piece bikini.

"I've been calling your name for a minute now." She said with a raised brow, her dark hair pulled back in a half-do. "You should take a break from your books and come with me and a few other people to beach."

I immediately shook my head no. I wasn't saying no for the fact that I should stay and study but for the fact they were going back to place I nearly died. I'm not even close to being ready enough to be back on those sands.

"You don't have to swim, you can lay out and tan. When was the last time your skin saw the sun, anyways?" Hailey joked, but I shook my head again.

"Rae, please?" She pleaded with me while puffing out her lower lip and giving me her best form of the puppy dog eyes. "It'll be fun and you've been in here for the last week except for classes."

"I'm not ready to go back there." I mumbled her the truth. I really didn't want to say it because I don't think she fully understands the depth of it all. She see's it as I survived, so therefore I should jump back in. Literally. "Plus, I might go to bed early since I have a test first thing in the morning. Have fun though."

Her face shows defeat as she turned to grab the shorts on her bed and slid them on over her swimsuit bottoms. She then crossed the room to retrieve her black flip-flops. "I'll check in later." She sighed as she headed out the door with a beach bag and towel.

The door clicked and I plugged my headphones back my ears just in time to hear a oh so familiar song. My lips curved into a smile as 5 Seconds of Summer's Youngblood plays through my earphones. Hearing the song immediately made me think of Ashton. Its been a few days since I last heard from him and I wondered what he was up to.

I hummed along to the tune, while occasionally singing a few words until the song ended. I pulled out my earphones and and unplugged them from my phone before tossing them into my book bag on the floor. I start looking through my notes when a pair of hands from behind me covered my eyes.

I jumped as my heartbeat went into over time and I felt my fight or flight instinct kick in. I grab the large hands and try to pry them from my eyes but had no luck.

"Guess who?" A familiar Australia accent giggled from behind me.

"Ashton fucking Irwin!" I laughed completely shocked among surprised, and very concerned that he managed to slip in without me noticing. He removed his hands and I turned to see me standing behind me, a big grin plastered his face showing off his dimples.

"Surprise!" He exclaimed loudly as I climbed out of my chair and greeted him with a friendly hug.

"How long have you been in here?" I inquired curiously.

"Long enough to know that you could give Luke a run for his money singing Youngblood."

I groaned, "You heard that?" My cheeks reddened with embarrassment.

"Yes and it was wonderful. I love hearing people sing the bands music." He took a few steps back and sat on the edge of my bed. "We just got back a few hours ago and I thought I would surprise you by asking if you wanted to go out. However, as I slipped in while Hailey was leaving she told me good luck and that you have a test in the morning."

I gave a half disappointed smile. "Yeah, she invited me to the beach but honestly that's the last place I want to go. I don't know if I could ever go back there if even if I wanted too."

"So was the studying a excuse to say no to the beach?" He questioned but I shook my head.

"I still have to study for my Anatomy and Physiology test." I said as I watched as his face twisted into disappointment but then he smirked.

"I can help you study so that a way we can still hang out and you can still be productive."

I was hesitant but eventually I shrugged, agreeing. "The test is over the bones in the hand. So hold out your hand." Ashton did as I said and I took his surprisingly soft hand. "There are 27 bones in the human hand." I flattened out his large hand in my small palm. "The fingers are call phalanges which are broken up by the tip called distal, the middle part called middle, and the part connecting to the knuckle are called proximal. You thumb only has the distal and proximal sections." I dragged my fingers along his as I pointed out the bones. "Your knuckles are called metacarpal bones. They're just numbered one through five with the thumbs as one and the little finger as five."

"That's crazy." Ashton said amused. "I've never really thought about how everything has another name."

I smiled as I continued gently dragging my finger down to his wrist. "Your wrist bones are made up eight, oddly shaped bones called carpal bones. Do you know what each are called?"

Ashton shook his head and I turned his hand around and grabbed his wrist. Pressing his wrist with my thumbs, I pointed out the whereabouts of the cluster of bones. Lingering a few minutes with his hand still in my, I released it. "That's pretty much all there is to it."

"You are really smart." Ashton said in awe staring at his hand. "I don't think I could memorize all of that."

I blushed as I began picking at my crappy looking nails. I really should paint them.

"So I actually came here to ask you something else." Ashton said nervously. "In a few weeks, there's a album release party through our record label and I was wanting to know if you wanted to come?"

A/N: Cliffhanger!!! Will Raegan say yes? Or well she'll say no? Stick around to find out. :) in the mean time, vote and leave a comment about what you think.

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