Chapter 11

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"Can you please turn that music off?" I said loudly to Hailey who was doing god knows what on her side of the room with music louder than I could stand. "My head is killing me."

"That generally happens when you drink too much." Hailey responded taking the music down a few notches. "I can't believe you actually went out with Ashton. How was it?"

I groaned as last night's memories started flooding back into my mind. "It was nice but I don't think I can see him ever again. I'm so embarrassed about last night. Hailey just shoot me."

Hailey laughed as I felt her body hit my bed. "Nah, I think it's the start of a beautiful friendship between you two. He told me he had fun and that he hopes you two can continue when we comes back." I started to see light as she uncovers my head, exposing my major bedhead. "Also, I think today is the day you come back to social media. You are being talked about."

I groaned again and pulled the blankets back over my head. "All the more to stay off social media and just go back to sleep."

"Please come back to the land of Twitter and Instagram." Hailey begged ripping the blankets off me again. "How are you going to keep up the world?"

"By watching the news like all the other non-social media people." I stared up at the ceiling feeling pounding of my head as I keep my eyes opened.

"Your such a grandma." Hailey sighed handing me a bottled water and 2 white pills as I lifted myself up. "Here grandma, take your drugs." She said laughing.

I rolled my eyes as I downed the pills and most of the water she handed me. I leaned over and sat the water bottle on my night stand and reached for my phone out of my purse that ended up in bed with me. I pulled up twitter and then turned the phone to face my friend. "Look I'm on twitter, happy now?"

"Much." Hailey smiled, then took control of my phone. "Now to tweet something." I watched anxiously as her fingers went to work typing, wondering what she could possibly be saying. "And done." She handed the phone back with a huge smile on her face.

"Should I be scared?" I asked her and she shook her head as I pulled up my profile and looked at the last sent tweet.

@.RaeMills: Definitely a light weight.

"Oh come on," I complained. "Out of all things, you had to put that?" I fall back on my bed completely done with all of this.

Hailey shrugged. "Want to go get coffee?"

I nodded and finally climbed out of bed and pulled off my Stanford shirt I wore last night and tossed it aside. I opened up my dresser drawer and pulled out a tank top and slipped it over my head and called it good after throwing my bed head hair up in a bun. I grabbed my not so big over the shoulder book back and we left our dorm.

The coffee shop was right outside of campus. The walk was short and once we arrived we managed to get right in and order. We were handed our drink before taking a seat a small round table. I reached in my book bag that I sat down beside and dug out my note book full of notes.

"You're going to study now?" Hailey raised her brow as she watched me.

"It's a perfect moment too." I said shrugging as I flipped through the pages of my notebook to find the upcoming test notes.

We slipped in silence as I started reading and Hailey quietly people watched in between staring at the screen on her phone. It wasn't long until I felt the slight pain of her kicking my foot from under the table.

"Ow!" I said looking up to her wondering that all that was for.

"The head B.I.C of our medical program is here." Hailey leaned over the table and whispered to me. "She here with that hot guy Blake from a few of our classes. You think he's doing his interview for the program? I didn't think they sent out invitations for those yet." She then went wide eye and her mouth dropped open. "What if he's fucking her to get in and they're secretly dating? How scandalous would that be?!"

I snorted trying to hold in my laughter because I knew the truth of the situation from some of the research I did when I started preparing for the interview process I would have to go through if granted it. "That's his mom."

"What! Seriously?" Hailey said with shock. "How do you know?"

"I did some research." I answered her. "My dad gave me the advice of always knowing the people you you're going to be presenting yourself in front of. Know facts about them and the business. Not only does it help relieve some nerves but it helps because you can personalize your presentation to who you're pitching it to."

I watched as Hailey pondered what I just said. After a few minutes, her lips curved into a huge smirk. "Watch this." She whispered.

She leaned back in her seat and waited patiently for the Blake and the Head program director to pass us. "Blake!" She said excitedly once they got close. "First time I've seen you in here."

The tall, dark curly haired, with green eyes smiled. "Hailey," He said with a smile before turning to me. "Raegan it's nice to see you out of classes. I'm sure you know my mother, Dr. Averys."

"Hello, ladies." Dr. Averys smiled giving us a soft nod.

"Raegan and Hailey are in the works of applying to program as well." Blake informed his mother.

"Well I wish you all the best of luck." Blake and Dr. Averys both gave Hailey and I one last smile before going on their way.

Hailey turned to me with a smile. "Part one is a officially a success."

"Blake is very goal oriented. He's like me, I don't know if he'll allow a relationship to be a distraction. You might just end up getting hurt."

My phone buzzed as Hailey waved off my negativity on her obvious plan to use Blake to get closer to Dr Averys. I glanced over at my phone to see a text message from a number at first I didn't recognize. Once I read the message I immediately knew it it was from. I quickly added the person to my contact.

Ashton: Hello from Australia. It's currently in the 2am hour and I'm completely wide awake. Time zones really can mess a person up. I hope your not feeling the hangover too badly. I had fun though. Hopefully we can hangout when I get back. If you want to anyways. No pressure.

I smiled as I responded back.

Me: I'm so sorry for all that I did   I shouldn't have drank so much. The hangover was pretty brutal at first but I popped some aspirin and I'm having coffee now so all it's better. I had fun too and yes hopefully we can hang out when you come back.

I tapped on the send button and laid my phone back down, still smiling.

"Who has you smiling like that?" Hailey asked watching me closely.

"No one." I lied and knew she wasn't buying it.

Author's Note:

Please vote. :)

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