baby be the life of the party

Start from the beginning

"What the-"

I sit up as the lights switch on, and Camila is sitting on me. Butterflies immediately erupt in my stomach, and I look up at her, and she's smiling down at me.


'Hi. Sitting on me, remember?'

She giggles, and rolls off me so she's lying next to me.


'I guess... but why are we on the ground again?"

'Oh.' She hops up, then grabs each of my hands and pulls me up next to her.

"Problem solved!" She laughs happily, which I find endearing. I mean, I can't argue with that logic, can I?

Camila then goes and tries to pull Ally, Dinah and Normani up but since there's three of them and one of her, it's more amusing than helpful and unsurprisingly, she ends up on the ground. I wander off to find Dinah's living room, shouting behind me.

" I guess no one wants to play 'Never Have I Ever?' then!"

Camila is the first one to come rushing in, yelling, 'I do, I wanna play, I'm here Lo!'

Dinah and Normani come next, and Normani raises an eyebrow at Camila.


A hint of red creeps onto Camila's cheeks, and she nods furiously. 'Its easier to say than Laur-en.' She says, putting stress on each of the syllables.

'Sure Mila. Totally.' Dinah agrees sceptically, joining in.

'Guys, leave her alone! Let's play now.' Reprimands Ally, coming to Camila's rescue. 'Okay. first question. Never have I ever... had a crush on someone in this room.'

I look around cautiously as I reluctantly raise my hand. I see Normani raise hers, then Dinah, which is no surprise, then Camila. I raise my eyebrows at her, but she blushes and turns away. She clearly does not want to tell me who it is. I don't know if I want to know, but at the same time, I desperately do. If I found out who it was, I'd be extremely jealous of them. But then again I feel sorry for Camila because it's likely not Ally because she has a boyfriend. So that means it one of the people who put their hands up, and Dinah and Normani both like each other, so Camila has a crush on someone who likes someone else. But so do I. I like Camila, but she likes someone else. But its fine, it's just a crush, it'll go away soon.

Dinah interrupts my thoughts by yelling loudly, 'Y'all better have a crush on me cause we all know I'm the cutest here.'

Camila rolls her eyes. 'Sure sure, Dinah.'

 I notice that Normani has stayed silent . It is absolute torture watching them be so oblivious about each other's feelings. I decide to give them a little push, and get the alcohol out.

'Don't worry, I didn't die everyone can stop freaking out!' Comes a voice from the other room. 'Huh?' Lucy says as she realises that there's no one in Dinahs bedroom.

'In here, Lucy!' Camila laughs.

An hour or so later, Dinah, Normani and Camila are drunk. Ally stayed sober because she's a very caring friend and offered to drive everyone home. I stayed sober so that I could give Norminah a head start.

'Alright everyone, time for a new game!' I yell over their music. They don't listen, so I go turn it off myself. Dinah then shoves me unexpectedly.

'Rude! What was that for?' I question indignantly.

'You turned off Beyonce!" She huffs grumpily, slurring her words slightly.

'Okay, okay, but we're gonna play truth or dare!'

Dinah perks up at this and immediately sits on the ground, right where she is, insisting that we play it right there. Normani doesn't argue but pulls Camila to sit on the ground next to Dinah. I shrug and sit down with them in the middle of the living room with Lucy and Ally either side of me.

'Ok, Dinah truth or dare?'

'Dare! Hit me, bitch, I don't say no to anything.'

'Are you sure?'

'1 million per cent. Gimme the worst you got!'

I raise an eyebrow.

'Ok then, I dare you to kiss the person you like.'

I watch as both Dinah and Normani's faces turn bright red.

Dinah's POV

'I dare you, to kiss the person you like,' says Lauren smugly.

'Hold my drink!' I yell, shoving it in Laurens' face. My hearts beating a million miles an hour, but I can't back out now. I look at Normani, and she raises her eyebrows at me. It's now or never. I swear everyone is watching me as I slowly approach her. I gain a bit of confidence, and pull her towards me, wrapping my arms around her slender waist. I've never been this close to her before. I can see all the different colours in her beautiful eyes. I glance down at this beautiful girls lips and butterflies erupt in my stomach as I feel her arms wrap securely around my waist. Then suddenly shes leaning in and I'm leaning in and our lips are connected and the whole world melts away. I lean into the kiss, and Normani tangles her hand in my hair. 

The kiss goes on for what seems like an eternity when I start to lose breath and begin to pull away. We disconnect, and immediately I miss her warmth and the feeling of Normani's arms wrapped around me. But it all hits me. I don't even know if she likes me back. She probably doesn't. She kissed me back, but she's drunk, and probably likes someone else anyway. The thoughts fill my brain until I can't handle it anymore. I have to leave. I stumble a few steps backwards, then rush out the door, ignoring the girls calling my name. 

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