chapter 1

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There I were. Scared, alone, in the dark. With nowhere to go, I just sat down in an alley, scared of what would come. Running back to my house wouldn't be an option, since my parents weren't there anyway. Their bodies were, but that's all that was left of them after the burglars left. I only remember the one thing they said: "Find them, they will take care of you."

I didn't have any other family members, or even friends. All I needed was music. Being with others scared me. It made me feel uncertain of myself. That's why I was always alone. I had no idea who my parents were talking about, but all that was on my mind was what I was supposed to do.

Rain was pouring down from the sky, making me feel even more miserable than I already was. I closed my eyes. Maybe then the pain would go away. The feeling of the rain pouring down on me stopped, but I could still clearly hear the rain falling closeby. I opened my eyes, and saw a boy stretch out his hand. "Let's go somewhere safe."

That's the story of how I met stray kids 8 years ago. They were one of the most famous gangs in Korea. Even though they seemed scary at first, they kindly took me in and treated me like one of their own. Chan, the boy who took me in, was like a big brother to me.

During these years, they helped me to get on my own feet again. I went back to school, as they were usually outside, taking care of their own business. There were times when things got dangerous, like when a rival gang attacked, but I would always be protected.

Today was a big day for me. After finally gaining the confidence, I decided to go over to my old house, to look for whatever was left of me and my parents belongings. I was still a bit scared, but there was no points in going back now. I had to find information on the people my parents mentioned in their dying words.

My old home has been abandoned all these years, and it's rumored to be haunted, but I couldn't care less. At only 6 AM, I woke up and got dressed. When I went downstairs, Chan was there holding your jacket, already knowing I would leave soon. "Are you sure you want to go alone?" he asked a bit worried. I simply nodded. "I have to."

Chan knew there was no point in trying to talk me out of it, since I was the most stubborn person he's ever met. He put my leather jacket around me, and walked me to the front door. "Just be safe y/n." He said, and gave me a short hug. I hugged him back and smiled. "I will."

The trip took a few hours, since I moved far away. Going back to my old neighborhood brought back a certain memory, most definitely a bad one. Even though a part of me wanted to run back, I knew that I had to go on with it. How else would I know who my parents were talking about?

When I finally arrived, I stood still. It really looked like a haunted house, since it hasn't been demolished or renovated in all those years. Hesitantly, I opened the door and went inside. I got my phone out, and turned on the flashlight. Everything was exactly like I remembered. Cold, dark and very unpleasant.

I started searching in every drawer in the house, looking for any clues my parents might have left behind, but nothing. I decided to go upstairs, and went into my own room. I went to my drawer, but stopped. Tears started flowing down my cheeks. I picked up a photo of me and my parents. "I miss you so much" I said softly through your tears.

I put down the photo again, as another one caught my eye. It was a photo of me, from when I was about 4, with 7 other boys, probably around 5 years older. Maybe they are the ones my parents were talking about? I put the photo in my bag, and started to look around some more. I found a bunch of old letters in a shoebox under my bed, and decided to read them.

"Dear y/n,

Happy 5th birthday sweety! I can't believe you're growing so fast! I know you're sad that Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook can't be here today, but please bear with us for now! I'm sure you'll like the present they got you! I really hope you have a great day!

Lots of love,
Mom and dad"

Those must be the names of those boys... But why can't I remember anything about them? It seems like we were quite close. I searched through the rest of the house, but I couldn't find any other clues. I took the picture of me and my parents, me and those seven boys, the letters in the shoebox and my old teddybear with me. With a little luck, I'll find out more later on.

I went out of the house, and went back home. My stomach was growling from being hungry, but I tried to ignore it. When I got home, it was already 8 pm. I opened the front door, and immediately was attacked with hugs. "Are you okay? You didn't get hurt did you?" Jeongin asked worried. I laughed and hugged him back. "I'm fine! Nothing bad happened. Let's go inside, I'll tell you all what happened there!" He nodded, and we went inside.

Everyone was sitting on the couch, curious about what I found. I got out the picture and the letter with the names, and passed them around. When Minho got the letter, he ripped in two, and walked up to me, really angry. He grabbed my wrist, and wanted to drag me outside, but Felix grabbed my other wrist.

"Minho, what do you think you're doing?" Felix asked, quite annoyed. "Ask her, since she's involved with our number one rival gang!"

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