Carina looked at me suspiciously, before she held up one finger at Isobel's face, and asked, "Are you alright?"

A tanned hand rose up almost immediately at the question but Carina side stepped just as I grabbed Isobel's hand, harshly pulling it in my direction, "What the fuck, Isobel?" Is she this violent usually?

"Get away from me-"

"Shut your stupid mouth." Carina seethed, stepping nearer to her face now that Isobel's hands were restrained in mine, her eyes flashing with anger.

On this is escalating.

"Carina-" I started, coming between the two girls, and pushing Carina back gently, away from Isobel and a possible expulsion, "we'll talk later-"

"You're going to talk to her?" a shrill voice echoed behind me to which I just tsked, but Carina smirked, slowly angling her body to look at Isobel over my shoulder.

"Do you remember last year, Malfoy?" Carina started pleasantly and my eyes narrowed at her, a minute ago she wanted to bite Isobel's head off...and now she's trying to start a conversation?

"You mean the year you put Draco into the hospital?" Isobel cut in and Carina smiled, her eyes shining like she hit the jackpot.


"She was there you know?" Care added pleasantly and I felt a hand on my shoulder, pulling me back, "Standing and cheering me on as we both fought-"

"I wasn't cheering you on!" Isobel hissed in my ear, making me recoil and pull away from her, instantly stepping next to Carina as we both faced an angry Isobel MacDougal.

"Yes, you were." Carina said slowly, "If I recall correctly it was your brother who wasn't cheering me on-"

"Shut the fuck up-"

"And I have it on good authority that you had a falling out of sorts with your brother earlier last week-"

"You know nothing-"

"Stop it." I hissed finally, successfully getting my request granted and their attention, "I don't know what's your problem Isobel, but Hadley is my friend-"

"Yeah right-"

"I don't care about what you think." I continued, then looked at Carina's pissed expression, "And you don't need to provoke her either."

"She started it-"

"Tell her to stop bothering me-"

"Shut it."

But all that did was make Hadley turn around, hitch up her school bag and start walking away rapidly, "If I were you Malfoy," she said over her shoulder, "I'd ask why her eyes keep straying to her brother everytime you talk to her-"

"You bitch."

"For Merlin's sake MacDougal!" I shouted, yanking her closer to me roughly, "Throw another insult at her and I will make you regret it."

Her face clouded with confusion, barely replacing the fury, but she pushed me away from her blotchy face, "Why are you siding her?"

"Because he just said I'm his friend you dumbass!" Carina shouted from a few feet away, halting her progress away from us. "You on the other hand are using him."

"What?" I questioned, my eyes not wandering from Carina's as she sighed, somewhat in the back of my mind the same question I had yesterday circled, about how everything with Isobel was way too easy, like she wanted this to happen. But that's why I wanted her for this charade, her little crush might actually help me-

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