Chapter 17

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Chapter 17:


It was late by the time I got to the third floor and the only reason why Sprout didn't book me was because of the badge shining on my chest. Regardless of the lateness of the hour I still didn't feel bad enough for leaving Carina waiting. So when I found her, slumped against the library door fast asleep, my movements halted. Her knees were pulled up, a thin shawl wrapped around her legs as her head rested on top of her knees, eyes shut and mouth in a thin line. She managed to look annoyed even in her sleep.

Exactly how long has she been here for?

That's when a slight glimmer of guilt slid down my spine, and I kneeled down next to her, slipping an arm under her knees and neck, lifting her up.

It was late, nobody would see us enter the Common Room like this anymore.

"Hadley?" I called, her head thumping against my shoulder as I descended the steps, hearing her groan.

"Malfoy?" she mumbled, stuffing her face inside the crook of my neck further. I chuckled, hoisting her higher.

"Why are we moving?" her sleepy drawl called, muffled against me, and I stopped, waiting till she lifted her head up and peered at me with sleep-lidded eyes. "Put me down."

I resumed walking again, "Why are you so late?" she asked, resting her head back on my shoulder, her warm breath hitting my exposed neck.

"Was busy."

"With Nott?"

I sighed, pointedly looking down at the next set of stairs we were going down, ignoring the way her gaze seemed to burn on the side of my face, almost making me squirm.

"Oh." She whispered jerking up after a few minutes of silence and I instantly turned to look at her, her eyes alight and more alert now as a slow smile spread across her face, "Seventh floor."

"What about it?" I grunted, coming to a stop warily.

"Let's go to the seventh floor!"

"What for?" I cried, "And you're heavy!"

Her mouth dropped open in disbelief, "Put me down Malfoy!"

But I held on tighter, fully ready to go back to the Common Room when she groaned again, restlessly moving in my arms, "I really want to show you something?"

"If it isn't a bed, Hadley," I grumbled, halting again, "I don't want to see it."

"But it is!" she pressed, waving her hand up, "Why will I lie to you?"

"Do you honestly want me to answer that?" I deadpanned, "Or are the last few months and the year before wiped out of your head?"

She shrugged, finally resting silently as I trudged us back up the second floor staircase, "So what is on the 7th floor?"

A mischievous smile lit up across her face, her hazel eyes twinkling as she said, "It's a surprise."

"It better not be an animal jumping out on me or I'm throwing you in and hightailing out of there-"

"Do you want to have sex in a place where no one can catch us or not?" she cut me off, impatiently, raising my eyebrow and effectively rendering me speechless.

My mouth opened to pose a question but she just ordered me to keep moving again, trailing her fingers up and down my shirt buttons.

"What?" I said, a bit weakly, as I cleared my throat.

All My Stars | Draco Malfoy.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin