Chapter 22

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Chapter 22



The word felt weird, rolling out of my mouth as I stared up at Draco, repelling the urge to wrap myself around him. It was hard. This was rational. We needed to end it, and we did. But why was I not happy?


He looked at me questioningly, looking genuinely interested, I gulped, "Are you, uh." Wait I can frame this better, right? "Are you still mad about me knowing Ed?" apparently I can't.

Even my body seemed to agree, what with the way my chest tightened at the memory.

The question stumped him, that much I could see, but he made a valiant effort to keep the disgust off his face as he stared down at me, pursing his lips as if the words in his mouth tasted bitter, "I was never mad." He said tensely, leaning back on his hands as he took another minute to compose himself, to which I just nodded. He's not mad but it still bothers him.

Of course, for a person who grew up with blood supremacy as his backdrop, it would.


"Don't." he cut me off, shaking his head slowly, "It'll be better for the both of us if we forget that this-"he gestured between us, "ever happened."

I snorted as I squared up to him, "You would do anything to avoid discussing your background, wouldn't you?"

"No." he countered, "I just don't see why opening up our past is helpful right now-"

"Because my past is dead." I answered, and in that moment I realised that while I don't hate Draco Malfoy anymore, I didn't want to go back to acting like this never happened. It happened and we are here and it helped us move past our differences, somewhat.

Not that I was going to run around suggesting it to other people. 

His eyes blazed as he stared down at me with confusion, trying to figure where I'm going with this, "Carina, I know it is difficult losing someone you care about-"

"It's not." I answered, vaguely aware of how my heart was beating a little too fast for my liking, "Losing someone is something that happens daily, people die all the time."

His face scrunched up, his forehead creasing as he straightened up at my answer, looking lost, but something on my face must've made him start walking towards me.

"I lost the only father figure I had." I said, my heartbeat drumming in my ears, "But you were my friend." I continued, sniffing slightly as he stopped right in front of me, "And my friend started hating me the minute he came to know someone loved me like a daughter."


"Why did you hate me so much?" I asked, the one question that had in fact kept me up at night, "Because your parents told you to?"

His face fell, and his arms wrapped around me but I looked away, my eyes were blurry, "I needed my friend." I ground out, "One that wasn't told to hate me."

"I didn't-"his face constricted as I looked back at him and I ran a hand down my face roughly, "I don't hate you-"

"That's not the point." I went on, trying to see through him. Draco Malfoy was a lot of things, but he was agreat friend. He's complex, a bully, a mean spirited person who will stop atnothing if you wrong him. But he also fiercely protective of his near and dearones. And that vanished the moment I realised I wasn't near him or dear to himanymore. "You hated me because your parents told you to."

All My Stars | Draco Malfoy.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora