Chapter 28

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Chapter 28


"So you mean to say..." Archer's deep voice faltered as I nodded for him to continue, "That your father killed Ed?"

"What do you mean, don't meet you for a while?"

"Where the fuck have you been?!"

"That blonde shit is doing what?"

A heavy weight on my shoulders brought me out of my own head and I found an annoying looking Draco bringing me to his side, "If you are going to wear heeled boots, can you at least pay attention to where we're walking?"

And I realised he just saved me from spraining my ankle and breaking my back, as we swerved off a deep ditch right in the middle of the school pathway.

"Sorry." I mumbled, looking down and carefully planting my black boots in places I assumed were not harbouring ditches under the unending snow.

It wasn't until we reached the heavy oak doors of school and started to walk in that a high pitched squeal reached our ears and we stopped, turning around to look at the commotion, but were instead greeted with a running Pansy, looking like lunatic as she did weird hops and jumps in the snow covered land, to get near us.

"Draco!" she exclaimed, pulling him into a hug with just as much enthusiasm and I watched with a wry smile as Blaise, Daphne, Crabbe and Goyle slowly trudged up to us, a twinkle shining in Daph's eyes by the time they reached us.

"Parkinson." Draco replied, in his extremely pompous voice, stepping out of her hold and standing tall, but as he turned to greet the other members of our little congregation, he stopped and I looked back at them in alarm.

To have gaping face stare at me incredulously, well apart from Daphne's red one.

"Carina?" Blaise called in complete disbelief, leaning in to touch a lock of my hair, making me look at him dubiously, snatching my dark hair back before he did something weird like sniff it.

"Yes thank-you for noticing the rest of my face, Zabini." I replied and Daphne lost it, bursting into a stream of giggles as she pushed him aside and hugged me tightly.

"So worth it." She whispered in my ear as she let go, standing next to me with a bright smile on her face.

"Honestly, you guys!" I whined, giving them flat looks, "It's my original hair colour you know?"

Draco let out a short bark of laughter at the still frozen faces and I took that as my cue to leave, turning around and walking into the comparatively warm entrance hall.

They can go suck it-

"You look fabulous!" Pansy's overly happy voice came as she hugged me from behind, "Also I missed you, and it looks like you copied me, but mostly the first part."

A small smile lifted my lips at her genuine compliment, "Thanks, Pans."

"So Carina, has dark hair now?" Crabbe asked, and I felt someone hit the back of his head in response. I didn't look back I just walked ahead with Daph and Pansy to the Great Hall, I had other things on my mind like-

"So what? I'm hungry." Goyle's reply finished my thought.

Well, so far I have been exceptionally good at keeping dark thoughts that have plagued my mind all week, at bay. A quick glance at Draco's smug face as he and Zabini conversed told me that he was doing the same too, and for now, I think this is how we have to be.

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