Chapter 16

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Chapter 16:


It was strange. The hoodie submerging me completely, smelt of Draco so strongly it almost made me forget he was walking well ahead of me with Blaise.

We all quietly trudged up the steps to the Prefect's bathroom, not talking, our wands out and looking around every second for an incoming teacher.

Somehow the excuse that we were crashing someone's bath wasn't good enough.

Regardless of all the times we stopped, and stood rigid for a few seconds listening for footsteps around corners and such, we made it to the bathroom door relatively unscathed, I say relatively because halfway here Crabbe declared he needed a bathroom break and was bound by Draco immediately. Apparently Daphne had no qualms about levitating a 100 kg person either.

However, standing in front of the Prefect's bathroom door, I had somehow ended up coming next to Draco, Pansy standing in front of the both of us, taking charge.

"Mint Green." She mumbled, making the creaky door open slowly and we all hesitatingly piled in.

But Nott was nowhere to be seen, nor were his clothes as I swept my gaze through the entire bathroom, before my scrutinising was broken with pathetic gasps by Daphne and Goyle as they looked around awestruck.


"Nott?" Draco called out, quickly walking to the huge tab that occupied most of the bathroom and that's when the gushing of water made its way to my ears and I sprinted after him, noting how almost all the taps were overfilling the tub.

"Shit." Zabini cursed, running up next to me as we skidded to a stop just at the edge looking into the water for Nott, but the bubbles made it impossible.

A second later, Draco and Blaise were both stripping out of their shirts to dive in without hesitation, leaving the rest of us gripping the ledge screaming for Nott, not caring if anyone on the outside heard, because this was definitely a bad sign.

Between Draco and Blaise's relentless search through the tub, coming up every few seconds for breath and Pansy's sobs, it felt like hours until we finally found Nott, but in reality it mustn't have been more than 2 minutes, 2 minutes in which Goyle had jumped in too, splashing most of the water out.

Must've helped, because the next second he was yanking a passed out Nott from the tub, heaving his body over to the ledge to us. We gripped Nott's wet unresponsive body with shaky hands as we pulled him to the floor, desperately searching for a pulse, when Draco and Blaise pushed us aside, immediately thumping his chest and trying to revive his breath.

"Somebody needs to blow into his mouth." My terrified voice said over the ringing in my ears and Pansy seemed to come alive at it, pushing Nott's plastered hair away from his face and bending over, while I thumped Goyle's back to help him spit out the water he had taken in and Daphne revived Crabbe, saying words that weren't making their way to me.

My chest bubbled with panic the more I stared at the cold, blue body of Nott when finally Blaise shouted a "His heart's beating!", making me cry with relief and Draco slump back, breathing hard as we watched Goyle and Crabbe take over his and Blaise's roles.

I did not even know I was shaking until cold hands wrapped around me and I was crushed into Draco's chest, him having put on his shirt now, but it was useless, it was almost fully wet. "He's okay." He breathed in my ear, as his body shook too, running his fingers through my hair again and again as I rubbed his back trying to warm him up.

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