Chapter 32

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Trigger Warning: Eating Disorder. (If you will be getting triggered, please know I have a synopsis of this chapter attached at the end of it, so feel free to skip to that part! I will still be marking the where and when it will start in the chapter, because I tend to cover a whole lot else too!

Chapter 32


Humming and the fact that my pillow was vibrating woke me up. I was content for a minute or two, and therefore, reluctant to move and indicate that I was indeed done with my slumber. It had been a long time since I had woken up snuggled this close to Draco. The Christmas I dread to remember has now completely changed at least one thing for me. I have a special affinity to Draco's tendency to hum in bed after he has woken up, and for his cologne. The last bit will never be public knowledge, I decided. Merlin knows Draco's ego casts a far wide shadow without my praises.

But praise I must, if only to thank him for an afternoon of quiet respite, cocooned in warmth.

"Hi." I murmured into his chest, convinced he hadn't heard me when his humming didn't falter.

"Dray." I croaked a little louder, then cleared my throat and placed a small kiss on his bare chest.

Warm hands smoothed over my hair and guided my head up instantly, a dazzling smile greeted me, "Good afternoon, love" he chirped.

"You seem happy." I remarked, arching an eyebrow at how his face lit up at my confession. He laughed, then dipped his head down for a languid kiss, relaxed enough to not turn it into anything more as he stayed nipping my upper lip, his hands however roaming all over my body gave me a very different idea.

"We don't have a lot of time alone, anymore." I murmured against his lips, he hummed in agreement, pulling back a fraction to take a look at my drowsy face. "Did you sleep at all?"

"I did." He accepted, then smothered me to his side, slotting our bodies in place, "Its half past 4."


A very rakish eyebrow greeted, inadvertently raising colour to my face.

"Your blush, will forever remain a mystery to me." He said, flopping back on his pillow, "You do know nothing should be making you blush, right?"

I groaned, turning to the pillow next to him and plopping myself face down, just so he won't see the way my face completely heated. It has come to my attention in the past few days that while I liked Draco Malfoy very much and I was not in the habit of lying to myself so in the confines of my own mind, I can very well accept that I have had an attraction to Draco Malfoy since that one time he decided to spend an entire evening sitting with me on the astronomy tower. It was extremely childish and full of nonsense. Which I why it was never going to come to my lips.

However, since then even through the highs and lows we have been through in the short span of barely a year, I can very confidently say that merely liking does not sum up my feelings for him anymore. And it will be a bald faced lie to say it did not scare me.

"I hate you." I mumbled to the pillow and he laughed, pulling me back to his warmth with his hands still around my waist.

"Be that as it may," he said, his laughter still clear in his tone, "I can very confidently state that your hate is also acceptable to me."

"Is it?" I asked, lifting my face off the pillow, and he nodded.

"If you hadn't hated me so Rina." He whispered, averting his eyes to green ceiling, "We wouldn't be here."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2021 ⏰

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