03 - Special Move

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His POV - [6 Years Ago]

"Since it's your birthday, let's do something you like!" She chimes, her adorable toothy smile showing and making my day as always.

It's been a habit for me to give her a visit every Wednesday and Friday in her backyard for the last three years of being friends with her. I was eleven when I first met her, and seeing a little six-year-old looking up at me with such mesmerizing, adoring eyes was something I would love to experience everyday, which was the start of our everlasting friendship.

She was probably the only one who said a meaningful 'happy birthday' to me that day. Others were half-hearted and cold. My family didn't even get anything I was actually thankful for, nor did they put any thought to it.

"Hmm... I don't know what I like." I returned her smile. I've been friends with her for to long that I always end up doing whatever she wants to do, no matter what it was. It became a habit that I didn't mind. As long as we were spending time together, everything was fun.

"Whatever you want! Consider it your birthday wish!" She jumps repeatedly behind the fence that was ironically separating us from each other, although our hearts felt right next to each other.

'Consider it my birthday wish'...? but she already got me a present and said a well-needed happy birthday... what more could I have asked for?

"Well, I would love a day at the park..." I trail off, before I notice her eyes gleam with determination.
"Let's go!" She runs to her front yard to exit from there. And before I could stop her she was already right next to me, struggling to reach my hand.

It was beyond adorable.

"What about your parents?" I eyed her, with worry. "They might go looking for you if you're gone too long."

"Then let's hurry!" She tugged on my hand with all her might, which wasn't even enough to make me budge more than a meter away from the fence that I was leaning on.

Yes, I might just be obsessed over her cuteness, but who's to judge? It's healthy.

"Okay, let's go!" I give in to her force with a chuckle and we half-ran to the nearest park.

We spent a little time in the park talking and playing games that people would find boring, but it was fun to us.

After wearing ourselves out in the park, I decided to take her somewhere else. A place where we could just lie down and watch the stars.

She was surprised that I wanted to take her somewhere else, but smiled just as happy as before when she saw the view from the cliff we were standing on.

Slowly, I sat down on the soft grass and admired the view before I patted the spot next to me as a signal telling her to sit next to me.

She smiled for the umpeth time today, taking a snuggly seat right next to me.

I could feel the warmth her body provided, being close to mine. It was just so soothing and calming that I felt like lying down on the grass.

She saw my actions and decided to join in lying down right next to me and snuggling closer.

It was a fragile moment. It seemed like if we moved too much the moment would break into pieces. Unfixable pieces. I loved the moment. It was perfect and gentle. I would've loved to stay this way forever.

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