04 - Togetherness

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1st Person's POV - Aizawa

Recess time came and I headed to the cafeteria. Soon enough, lots of students were talking about the transfer student. Some were just murmuring about gossips and some just talked about it because it was interesting. Class 1-A students were the only people who've talked with her, and most were pretty calm about it. But I couldn't care less because my long awaited lunch arrived.

1st Person's POV - Miyamoto Fumiko

After the test, we went along as normal schedule and changed to our usual uniform before we had recess.

I stayed in the changing room a little longer while, still thinking about the previous test. 'I wasn't able to execute that last move perfectly, though'

"You okay, Fumi-chan?" A croaky voice called out, slightly startling me since I thought everyone has already left.

"Yes, I'm just slightly exhausted." I answered the half-amphibian girl. "Thanks for worrying though, Asui-chan."

"Of course, but you can call me Tsu-chan, kero." She took a seat next to me.

A small barking noise was heard from my left, which caused Tsuyu and me to look at that direction.

"Your spirit wolf is still here, kero." She states half-surprised.

"Yes, it's completely out of my control whether if he stays here or not." I explain. "He just stays for as long as he wants when we're not merged." I explained while slouching back to the wall.

"Then let's go eat, Fumi-chan!" She stood up to pull me up from my seat.

She was most definitely a cheerful person, great to hang out with and open once you get to know her. But I barely knew her and I wasn't sure if I should get to know her more.

"What are you waiting for, kero?" She waited at the door for me.

"Okay, I'm coming!" I use all my energy to walk out the door with her, my wolf following right next to me, begging for attention.

I noticed Ocean, my wolf's name, walking closer and asking for affection which I gave with a stroke of his blue half-transparent fur.

Tsuyu seemed to enjoy watching me pet Ocean repeatedly whilst he snuggled closer to my rubbing hand in a cute and thankful manner.

"You two seem close, does he have a name?" Tsuyu asks, acknowledging that the spirit animal has feelings.

"Yes. His name's Ocean. He's my favourite." I said with a smile as I continue running my hand through Ocean's soft locks of fur.

"Hey, isn't that girl new?"
"Yeah, I've never seen her..."
"Is that a wolf with her?"
"It must be her quirk!"
"She's cute though, right?"
"Yeah, I agree. Definitely the kawaii type!"

Whispers and murmurs were heard all around me once we reached the cafeteria. I couldn't really hear what they were saying, but they were mostly looking or pointing towards me.

"What could her quirk be?"
"Whatever it is, it's gotta be cool."
"I like that wolf, it's cute."

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