05 - Thrilling

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His POV - [6 Years Ago]

We were talking,
about something.

It was nothing important, but we just talked about it.
It was so unimportant that I can't even remember what it was.
And we kept talking,
because having each other was the only thing that mattered.

Eventually, Miko-chan  -what only I call her-  fell asleep next to me while snuggling closer to me every few seconds.

It was warmth that I felt. Warmth and comfort just for the two of us in the middle of this vast world, full of billions and trillions of people. We had our own world, right there and then. And we wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

As soon as her steady breathing was all I could hear -besides the chirping crickets- I stayed there to cherish the moment, caressing the side of her face with tenderness. I love her, no doubt. And it might be ironic to say that I couldn't live without her, but it's true.

My personal life wasn't the best. I would constantly get into fights with my parents, get scolded for being outside for too long and rarely coming home, and I never had any real friends other than Miko-chan.

Although she might've thought little of our friendship, I looked at it as a hideout. A hideout from all the troubles, a runaway route from all my worries, and a sanctuary where we could just lie in this place and have fun by forgetting the rest of the world.

I would physically shelter her, when she would be a mental shelter for me. We earned each other's trust and love, she was my priority.

[The Present]
1st Person's POV - Miyamoto Fumiko

I had no idea why I had that dream.
But I did know that I hated it.
I hated the fact that I wanted to forget him so I could sleep in peace, but instead he kept showing up in my dreams, forcing me to think about him and long for his presence all over again.

It had disturbed me for too long that I forced myself to wake up. It was three o'clock. And I had to go to school at four, by foot.

As I arrived at school, some teachers were visible in the front yard, having a conversation.

As I walked towards them, I was able to recognize the three as Aizawa, Present Mic, and Midnight.

Aizawa was the first who took notice of my presence, and immediately faced my direction.

"Who's there?!" He squinted his red baggy eyes. "...Fumiko?"

Midnight, who saw me a while after Aizawa, took a few steps closer, making me take a step back as a reaction. "What are you doing here so early, dear?"

"I..." I trailed off, looking for the best answer. Because no way in heck would I just say that I had a bad dream.

"I j-just felt like coming early." I stuttered, making me slightly furrow my brows.

I was in my uniform, but a long sweater was covering most of my body from neck to mid-thigh, where my skirt continued and stopped slightly above my knees.

Pieces [BNHA x OC]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon