06 - Backgrounds

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1st Person's POV - Fumikage Tokoyami

"Are you okay, Fumiko-san?" I asked, observing her unfazed state.

"Yes, fortunately the teachers protected me." She answered. Again, her face showed no expression.

"But she really was intimidating." She moved her gaze to her feet, both hands supporting her weight on the bench that we were currently sitting on. One would already know that she was talking about the villain.

I was told to wait here with Fumiko because I was a witness who saw most of the fight from a close distance. We were currently waiting for further instructions from teachers.

"I agree, she was also one of the villains who attacked our summer camping trip. She's with the league of villains." I explained, earning a small 'oh really?' From her.

Her gaze was still locked on the floor, I could easily tell that she was thinking about the villain and the horrifying smile the villain had on her face every time she fought.

"Don't think too much about it, eh?" Kirishima strode towards us with a small smile on his face. "We all saw how powerful you were at the test yesterday Fumiko, you would've been able to beat that villain with ease!"

"But that's the problem," she started, face still serious as before. "I couldn't. I couldn't do anything when the teachers were fighting for my safety. It was like I didn't even have a quirk!"

Her brows were furrowed, clearly frustrated. I had to comfort her in any way I could.

"No, I was there. You were able to dodge her attacks with great coordination. I couldn't even move one muscle watching the scene." I sighed. "Kirishima's right. Let's not think too much about it. It's a school day after all."

Her face relaxed from its serious expression, but she still didn't crack a smile. It intrigued me, 'what would it take to make her smile?'

"Fumi-chan!" Tsuyu, Mina, and Uraraka rushed to Fumiko with worried expressions on their faces.

"Are you okay?" Mina spoke first.

"What happened?" Tsuyu questioned afterwards.

"I-it's okay, everybody!" She motioned with her hands, a small smile escaping her lips. "I'm fine! Aizawa-sensei and Midnight-sensei actually kept me safe!"

'There it is. The smile.' I thought.

'She only smiles when she's with her close friends or when needed...'

' What kind of experience did she have to go through to make her smile ever so rarely?'

"What exactly happened though, Fumiko-san?" I grew curious, asking with my attention fully focused on her.

"Oh, so, I arrived here at school and-" Her explanation was cut short by a detective, Tsukauchi, the one who always works on our cases that came to talk to her.

"Fumiko-san, Tokoyami-san, please come with me for questioning." He directed us, walking over to a round, black table with exactly three chairs placed around it.

His chair was facing Fumiko's chair and mine. I sat down without exchanging words, eyeing Fumiko who merely shrugged.

"So Fumiko-san, could you tell me what happened from the beginning?" He asked, pen and paper ready in his hands.

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